Never Good Enough

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I've had these in drafts for awhile. I have 2 others that I'll be posting after this one.

⚠️🚨Trigger Warning⚠️🚨: Insecurity happens to us all and I hope this helps someone that feels insecure about themselves. These are things that went through my head all the time.

Note to anyone who may need to hear this: YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE ENOUGH! YOU MATTER! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

"I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough."

**Based off of those lyrics from You Say by Lauren Daigle**


I should have realized that my mind was saying this as my Nana had been dead a few years but it sounded like her voice so I started looking around to see where she was. I was in my 2nd class of the day and my 2nd half of double Potions and my looking around had caught the eye of my professor.

"Miss Tarrant, why aren't you paying attention? Don't think I won't take points from my own house because I will if I absolutely have to do so," Professor Snape asked sternly.

I started to hyperventilate so my breathing started to pick up and become rapid. I dropped my quill to hold my chest. I tried to calm myself but it was getting harder and harder to breathe. Snape must have noticed because he suddenly came over to my desk.

"Class dismissed!"

"Sir, there's still 30 minutes left," Malfoy complained.

"Read pages 66 to 68 and write an essay on what you have read. Its due next class. NOW IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE YOU WILL SERVE DETENTION WITH ME FOR A MONTH STARTING TOMORROW EVENING!!!"

The class groaned but left leaving Snape and I alone. He shut the door with a flick of his wand and knelt down beside my desk. I didn't realize he was there for a good 5 minutes or so.



I looked around frantically wondering why I was hearing my Nana when I knew it couldn't be her. The Professor gently grabbed my hand trying to get my attention. It grounded me and I slowly looked at him.

"Daria, I need you to copy my breathing before you pass out. Breathe in for a count of 3 and breathe out for a count of 4."

I did as I was told and my breathing returned to normal. Professor Snape got up and went to his cupboard in the front of the classroom. He came back to me holding a vial and passed it to me. I took it with shaky hands.

"Drink and then we will talk," I took a sip which must not have pleased Snape because he spoke to me again, "ALL OF IT, MISS TARRANT. "

I finished it and sighed as I realized he had given me Draught of Peace. It didn't take long to take effect and I looked at the professor thankfully. He gave a simple nod and walked back to his desk and sat down motioning to me to sit in the nearest desk to him. I moved and sat waiting for him to say something.

"Miss Tarrant, when you're ready we have to talk about this but only when you're ready. Neither one of us is going to leave this room until we have a chat about why you felt the need to interrupt my lesson. Is that clear, young lady?"

I nod and say "Yes, sir. I'm sorry."

"What had you so worked up?"

"It was my grandmother, sir."

"She's been dead a few years now, why would you be thinking of her?"

"I hear her sometimes, sir. She would say things while she was still alive and I started to believe her."

"Whatever she said to you were not true. You are one if not the best student I have ever had the joy of teaching. "

"Thank you Professor."

The bell rang signifying the end of class and the start of lunch. I wanted out of the classroom before Snape could give me a detention for not paying attention. I did NOT succeed though.

"Miss Tarrant, this does NOT excuse you from detention which you will serve this evening at 7pm. I do hope that if you ever feel like this again, you would come find me and we can talk about it. Now then, shall we go to the great hall for lunch?"

Professor Snape x student one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now