He helps with self-harm

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🚨⚠️Trigger Warning🚨⚠️: If you or someone you love needs help for any of the things in this book please seek professional help. You can call 1-800-273-8255, if you feel you may be suicidal.

In my opinion, Suicide and self-harm are a permanent fix to a temporary problem.


After checking to see if my dorm mates were a sleep, I opened up my drawer in my night table and grabbed my trusty little friend. I put on my robes and slid it in my robe pockets. I tiptoed out of the room and made my way to Myrtle's bathroom. I didn't put my shoes on so that they wouldn't make any noise for Filch or Mrs. Norris to hear.

After I get inside, I sat down in the first stall before I pulled my razor out. I bit down on my bottom lip as I made the first cut. I let it bleed a little before I made another slice. I zoned out after this until I had at least 10 slices on each arm. I slipped out of the bathroom and returned to my dorm room. I hid my razor again and got back into bed. I fell asleep shortly after.

The next morning I got up later and everyone had already gone to the great hall for breakfast. I got up and dressed quickly. I didn't go to the great hall because I would've been late for my first class which was potions.

When I got to the classroom, I took a seat in the back so that Professor Snape wouldn't walk by me as much or so I thought. I left my robe sleeves down to hide what I had done the night before. I also didn't realize that we would be making a potion because we had made one the previous day. Professor Snape came in slammed the door, shut the shutters and told us to put away our wands.

"Professor, I thought we would only be taking notes today so I didn't bring my textbook. Can I go get it from my dormitory?" Pansy asked.

"10 points from Slytherin, Miss Parkinson and no you may not. You will however partner with Miss Granger for this class."

All the Slytherins including myself groaned and Pansy got up and moved before he gave her detention to go along with her punishment. I did NOT want to get on his bad side today. I pity the person who does because no one deserves to have to be THAT mudblood's partner!

"You all will be brewing a draught of peace today and write an essay about what it is used for. You may begin."

We got everything ready and gathered our ingredients while he circled the classroom. I was putting in the syrup of hellebore when he stopped by my desk to watch me awhile. I STILL hadn't rolled up my sleeves because I didn't want anyone to see my wrists.

"Miss Tarrant roll up your sleeves so you don't ruin your robes."

"I'm cold, Professor, I'll be careful so that I don't get them in my potion."

He came over to me and grasped my arm to roll them up for me. I whimpered when he held my arm. He started to roll them up but stopped so I knew he had seem my wrist.

"Stay behind after class young lady, we need to chat and a week of detention for blatantly disregarding a Professor."

"Yes sir."

I finished my potion and called him over. He looked at it and then used his wand to clean up my station. I got full marks and started my essay while I waited for the bell. I was hoping that something would happen and I could sneak out before he noticed. It did with five minutes left, Seamus blew up his potion.

I started to pack my bag to slip away when the bell rang but Snape pointed at my desk and told me to stay. The bell rang and he dismissed class. He waited for everyone to leave before he spoke to me.

"Miss Tarrant, you are a smart student so can you tell me how those marks got on your wrists?"

"Professor, it was my cat."

"Don't. Lie. To. Me. I know it was not your cat because you don't have a cat and you are allergic to them! You insolent child!"

"Sir, I don't want to tell you because you'll think ill of me."

"As your head of house I could never think ill of you. I'm merely showing concern for a student."

I started to cry when he said this because no one ever cared about me before. I couldn't breathe from sobbing so much. He left the room to grab something from his storage closet and came over beside me.

"Miss Tarrant, breathe for me, you need to calm down so you can take this potion."

I tried to breathe but couldn't get air. The Professor exaggerated his breaths and I started to copy him. He handed me the vial and I just stared at it like it was magically going to work.


I take a sip and hiccup before downing the rest in one gulp. I also complained about the taste.

"Professor, can they be made to have a better taste? That tasted like ass."

"Watch your language, you're treading on dangers grounds."

"Neither of us is going to leave this room until you explain to me why you saw it necessary to cut yourself like that."

"It helps me release emotions I feel. It started out as 2 cut and slowly grew to 20. I can't stop, it's makes me feel better."

"It may feel like that but it doesn't help. It makes it so much harder to get over."

"Let me see your arms to make sure there is no infection and then I'll re-do them before we go talk to Dumbledore together."

He was true to his word and we went to talk to Professor Dumbledore. I had to see Professor Snape once a week to talk about my feelings and at that time he would check to make sure I hadn't made anymore cuts. At the end of the school year, I had to promise him that I wouldn't cut while on summer break.

EDITED: January 23, 2023.

Professor Snape x student one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now