Kidney Stones

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NOTE: I have some experience with these as I'm dealing with them right now. This is only going off my experience. Kidney stone can cause unbearable pain.

I woke up in the middle of the night, my body wracked with pain. It felt like a thousand knives stabbing into my side, and I knew I couldn't bear it any longer. I had to find Uncle Severus, my godfather, my uncle, and my guardian. He was the only one who could help me.

Despite the late hour and the strict curfew at Hogwarts, I mustered all the strength I had and slowly made my way out of the dormitory. Each step was agony, but the thought of finding Uncle Severus kept me going. I stumbled down the dimly lit corridors, my breath coming in short gasps.

After what felt like an eternity, I found myself in a deserted hallway. I couldn't go on any longer. My legs gave way, and I slid down the wall, tears streaming down my face. The pain was unbearable.

And then, I heard them. The unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching. My heart skipped a beat, and I held my breath, hoping it was him. And then, there he was, Professor Snape, my uncle, coming towards me.

"Daria?" he called out softly, his voice filled with concern. "What are you doing out of bed? Are you hurt?"

I couldn't hold back my sobs any longer. "I'm sorry, Uncle Sev," I managed to say through my tears. "I didn't mean to break curfew. It hurts so much!"

He hurried to my side, his eyes filled with worry. Gently, he helped me back to my feet and guided me back to the dormitory. With each step, the pain intensified, but having his support made it a little more bearable.

Once we reached my bed, he tucked me in, his hands gentle and caring. "Don't worry about the curfew, Daria," he said, his voice filled with reassurance. "Your well-being is far more important. I'll stay with you throughout the night."

I nodded weakly, grateful for his presence. He moved to a nearby table and started rummaging through his potion supplies. Within moments, he returned with a vial in hand.

"Here," he said, his voice soothing. "This potion will help alleviate some of the pain. It's not a permanent solution, but it should provide some relief until we can get you to Madam Pomfrey in the morning."

I eagerly drank the potion, feeling some of the pain subside. It was still there, lingering in the background, but the potion took the edge off. I sighed in relief, leaning back against the pillows.

Uncle Severus stayed by my side throughout the night, his presence a comforting anchor in the midst of my pain. He administered the potion whenever the pain flared up again, never leaving me alone.

As morning broke, Madam Pomfrey arrived, her no-nonsense demeanor softened when she saw Uncle Severus at my side. She examined me and confirmed my fears.

"You have kidney stones, Daria," she said with a sympathetic look. "It's going to hurt until you pass them. I'll give you some pain relief and make sure you drink plenty of fluids. That should help in the process."

I nodded, grateful for her guidance. And although the pain was far from over, I took solace in the fact that I had Uncle Severus by my side, supporting me every step of the way. With him and Madam Pomfrey's care, I knew I would get through this ordeal, no matter how painful it might be.

And so, I drank the fluids and faced the days ahead, knowing that with the support of my uncle and the Hogwarts staff, I would overcome this trial.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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