Sick during Potions

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I woke up this morning feeling like a dragon had run me over. I was sick but I couldn't miss my potions mid-term. Professor Snape would understand, of course, if I went to his office to tell him. As I turned over to get up and dressed, my stomach started to turn and I felt nauseous. I was terrified that I would blow chunks and my dorm mates would know I was sick. Unfortunately, it was too late and I threw up last night's dinner.

Worried that someone would find out, I quickly cleaned up the mess and got ready for school. I went to the great hall, but I was too queasy to eat. I sat between Crabbe and Goyle while talking to Draco and trying to sound normal. With double Potions first thing, I planned to do the exam, and then tell Snape that I felt sick. When Draco asked if I was okay.

"Are you okay, Tarrant? You didn't eat anything," Draco asked.

I tried to fake a smile and replied, "I'm just nervous about the exam, Draco, but I'm fine."

We all reached the Potions classroom with 10 minutes to spare. Snape wasn't there yet but Potter and his band of idiots were. Gryffindors always take the front seats just so Snape can keep an eagle eye on them.

Snape walked in just as the bell went off and told us to put away our books as he passed out the test papers. When he reached me, he looked at me like he knew something was up.

"'Miss Tarrant, we need to talk. Follow me please!'

I knew I was in for a lecture for not telling him I was sick but surprisingly, he looked more worried than angry. I loved being a Slytherin but I hated it when Snape was pissed at us.

"'I noticed you didn't eat at breakfast, is everything okay?'

"Yeah, sir, everything's just...." Then, I doubled over and puked again. I heard Snape let out a sigh.

I suddenly felt someone pull my hair back so I didn't get any in my hair. When I finished puking, I felt Snape's hand on my forehead. He used a spell to clean up my mess on the floor and opened the door to the Potions room. He casted a spell to duplicate himself and started to talk to my house mates and the Gryffindors.

"I have to help Miss Tarrant to the hospital wing so this will act like me and I can also see anyone cheat. I'll see what this sees. If I catch anyone cheating, I will take 100 points from your respective houses."

He shut the door and guided me to Madam Pomfrey. I was walking holding my stomach because it hurt from all the puking. I stopped again halfway there because I felt like I was going to be sick again. Snape stopped too and started to rub circles on your back. I started to puke shortly after. I tried to stop myself from getting sick in the middle of the hallway because I was embarrassed that my Head of House was seeing me like this.

"Come on, Miss Tarrant, don't hold back. Just let it out and I'll deal with the mess. But if you get sick my shoes, you're in detention for a month once you're better."

So, I was puking my guts out for 20 minutes straight, and I don't usually cry but I was feeling so terrible that I started to whimper. Snape came to the rescue and cleaned up my puke then carried me to Madam Pomfrey.

"If you'd just come to me in the morning, we could have avoided this whole mess."

He was right, I should have told him I was feeling sick earlier, but I was trying to tough it out and take the exam. When we finally made it to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey pointed Snape towards a bed for me. She gave me some magic stuff to cool my fever and some other one to stop me from puking. She told me to stay in my dormitory until I felt better. Snape said to get better and next time let him know in advance. I got the message that he meant it, and it was obvious he saw right through me so I gave up on trying to hide anything from him. From then on, I never hid my illness from anyone.

"If you had just come to me this morning, we could have avoided all this. You should know by now that I would have understood and let you make up your exam once you were feeling better."

"I'm sorry, Professor but I thought I could make it through the exam and then let you know that I was feeling sick."

When we got to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey directed Snape to a bed for me. She gave me a potion to reduce my fever and one to stop me from throwing up.

Snape told me to feel better and next time to inform him that I was unwell before he returned to supervise the exam. I learned my lesson and knew that Snape was sincere about it. I also learned that Snape saw through my facade so I could never hide anything from him. I never tried to hide my sickness from anyone again.

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