Flu Season

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The minute I woke I knew it wasn't going to be a very good day. My throat felt scratchy and my chest felt very tight. I got up to go to the toilets but felt dizzy so I woke up my best friend and roommate; Pansy.

"Hey Parkinson, wake up," I croak.

"5 more minutes, mom."

"Pansy, you’re not home, you’re at Hogwarts. I need help," I whine.

"What do you want?"

"I don't feel well and I'm dizzy but I need the toilets."

She rolls over to look at me, "Tarrant, you look dreadful.

"Thanks Parkinson," I said sarcastically.

"I'll go get Professor Snape so that you can tell him about being unable to go to class today. He doesn't allow us tell him for another student. "

Pansy left and about 5 minutes later my Head of House was in our dorm room. I was holding my head and had my eyes shut so I didn't notice him until he cleared his throat.

"Miss Tarrant, why was I interrupted and asked to come to your dorm room? Miss Parkinson made it sound urgent that I get here."

"I'm sorry sir..." I cough before finishing my sentence "I don't feel well and I'm very dizzy. We knew that you don’t allow other students to tell you that we are sick."

"Under these circumstances, Miss Tarrant, it would have been OK for Miss Parkinson to tell me you were unwell."

"I'll apparite us to the hospital wing."

"Please sir, no, I feel like I may be sick," I say as put my hand over my mouth and run toward the toilets.

I made it just in time and emptied my stomach contents into the bowl. I felt my hair being pulled up but I couldn't even say anything as another round of vomit made its way up my throat. This went on for 15-20 minutes and whoever was holding up my hair was rubbing circles on my back. When I finished, I looked behind me to see Professor Snape and I groaned from discomfort.

"You can’t go to class in this state. Let's get you back to bed. I'll call you in to your other classes."

Professor Snape helped me back to bed and left to go about his day or so I thought as I drifted off to sleep. He came back an hour later, tapped me on the shoulder as to not upset my stomach and handed me 2 potions. I looked at the vials and sat up.

"Drink, Miss Tarrant," I uncapped one and sipped it grimacing from the taste.

"ALL OF IT, GIRL!," He said sternly.

I tipped it back and swallowed it down before I could get the cap off the second one, I started to feel sleepy. I took the second one and then laid down again thanking the professor as I got some more rest. I hadn't noticed that he hadn't left our dorm room until I woke up a few hours later.

"How are you feeling now, my dear?"

"I'm alright, Professor. Why are you still here?"

"I was worried about you! I may act all mean in class but my Slytherins are like my children to me."

"Sir, I love being at school and it's all because of the way you treat us."

"Would you like something to eat now that you are feeling a little better?"

"No Professor, I don’t think my stomach could handle food right now."

"Very well, I'll go and let you rest, Miss Parkinson should be back here soon. Feel better, child."

He left and 10 minutes later, Pansy walked into the room. Excited to tell me that there was a substitute for Potions. I giggled because that meant Snape had spent the whole day watching over me. I told Pansy that he had been caring for me and she thought it was nice for a head of house to do that.We knew from there on out that Snape was there for us when we needed him.

Professor Snape x student one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now