He helps with an Eating disorder

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⚠️🚨Some of this may be a little graphic but it is my own experienceS with anorexia, bulimia and OSFED. MY EXPERIENCES ARE NOT THINGS YOU WILL EXPERIENCE BUT THEY MAY BE SIMILAR TO YOURS.🚨⚠️
I had started to get bullied for my weight in second year by some Gryffindor boys and I didn't think anyone would notice if I started skipping breakfast. There was one person who did notice and it was my head of house, Professor Snape.

He didn't confront me right away because he didn't think it would become a permanent thing. When he noticed that it was becoming an everyday thing, he pulled me aside in class one day to ask me about it.

"Miss Tarrant, may I speak to you outside?"

"Yes, Professor."

We walk outside and Professor Snape scowled at me which meant he was either mad or upset with me. I don't remember doing anything to warrant him being upset with me.

"Miss Tarrant, it has come to my attention that you have been skipping meals and I would like to discuss this further in more detail after classes."

"I haven't been skipping meals, Professor. I've been getting some of my friends to grab me some fruit because I haven't been that hungry."

"Don't. Lie. To. Me. We will discuss this after dinner at 8pm."

"Yes, Professor."

He opened the door and pushed me ahead of him. I walked back to my station and started to brew my potion. Halfway through I started to feel dizzy so I raised my hand. Professor Snape came over to me and asked me what was wrong.

"Professor, I don't feel so good. Can I go to the hospital wing, please?"

"Draco, help Miss Tarrant to the hospital wing."

Before Draco could even get to my station, I passed out. Apparently, Snape pushed everyone out of the way to check on me. He also dismissed class and brought me to the hospital wing himself. I woke up a few hours later and he was sat in the chair beside my bed.

I groaned as I woke up. I was confused because I don't remember leaving the Potions classroom. I then felt something heavy on my arm.

I tried to move and the heavy thing changed positions, "Miss Tarrant, how are you feeling?," the baritone voice of Snape said to me.

"I have a headache."

"You did hit the floor pretty hard so I wouldn't doubt that you have a headache."

"Professor, why are you here? Where is Madam Pomfey?"

"I wanted to finish our little talk. You think fainting in my class would stop this talk from happening. You thought wrong, young lady."

"Professor...I...I think I'm going to be sick!" I said as I started to gag.

I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. I puked all over myself before Professor Snape got up to go get Madam Pomfey. It turned out that I got a concussion from hitting the floor. When I finally stopped all I could do was cry. I had never in my life been so embarrassed. I didn't even notice that the Professor had come back to my bed with Madam Pomfey. He used a spell to clean me up and told me that I would be staying with him for tonight because I had to be woken up every 2 hours due to the concussion. Madam Pomfey had too many other patients to look after.

We walked back to his quarters and he slept on the couch while he gave me his bed. I thought I wouldn't have to talk to him about my not eating but I was sadly mistaken.

"Miss Tarrant, can you explain to me why you lied about eating breakfast?"

"I didn't lie. Pansy, Draco and Blaise have been grabbing me apples every morning," I lied as I tried to make him believe that I actually ate.

"I'm going to get you something bland to eat to settle your stomach and then we are going to have a nice long talk about your eating habits."

I broke down and cried and begged him not to make me eat because I didn't want to get fat. He took pity on me for the night and didn't make me eat but he did make me talk to him. I explained why I felt the way I did and why I had stopped eating.

After this, he made it his mission to make sure I was eating even if it was just a piece of fruit in the beginning. He also made sure that I was never bullied about my weight again. I did relapse once in awhile but I would talk to Professor Snape about it and he helped me each time. The day I graduated from Hogwarts, I thanked him for helping over the years.

Professor Snape x student one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now