Food Poisoning

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Professor Snape's POV:

The quiet of the night was shattered by the sound of retching, echoing through the dormitory walls. I jolted awake, my heart pounding as I hastily threw on my robe and hurried towards the source of the disturbance. Curfew had long since passed, but my concern for my students outweighed any reprimands that might come my way.

As I approached the lavatory, I heard the unmistakable sound of someone in distress. Pushing open the door, I found Daria, my niece and ward, hunched over the toilet, her body trembling with each convulsion. My heart sank at the sight, and I immediately rushed to her side.

Daria looked up at me, her tear-streaked face a mix of fear and guilt. "I'm sorry, Uncle Sev," she choked out between sobs. "I didn't mean to break curfew. I feel really sick." Her words were punctuated by another wave of nausea, causing her to lean back over the toilet.

Kneeling beside her, I placed a hand on her forehead, feeling the heat radiating from her skin. She was burning up with fever. Concern washed over me, and I pushed aside any thoughts of rules and regulations. Right now, all that mattered was taking care of her.

"It's alright, Daria," I murmured, my voice gentle yet filled with worry. "You didn't break curfew intentionally. Let's get you back to bed. It's late, and we'll have Madam Pomfrey check on you in the morning."

With utmost care, I helped her up from the cold floor, supporting her weakened frame. She leaned heavily against me, her body trembling with exhaustion. Together, we slowly made our way back to her dormitory, the echo of her sobs reverberating through the silent corridors.

Once we reached her bed, I gently guided her to lie down, tucking the blankets around her shivering form. The room was dimly lit, casting soft shadows across her pale face. I conjured a damp cloth, placing it on her forehead to offer some relief from the fever that raged within her.

As the night wore on, I remained by her side, unable to tear myself away. Every two hours, she would awaken, her body wracked with violent sickness. Each time, I conjured a basin with a flick of my wand, ensuring she had a safe place to empty her stomach.

In those moments of vulnerability, I felt a fierce protectiveness wash over me. Daria was not just a student in my class; she was family, my sister's child, entrusted to my care after her tragic passing. It was my duty to shield her from harm, to be there for her when she needed me most.

I coaxed her into sipping water after each bout of sickness, urging her to stay hydrated despite the adversity. It was a small comfort, but I hoped it offered her some relief amidst the relentless onslaught of illness.

When morning finally arrived, Madam Pomfrey arrived promptly, her no-nonsense demeanor softened by genuine concern. She examined Daria, her experienced eyes noting the severity of the symptoms. "Severe food poisoning," she concluded, her voice laced with professional worry. "She'll need rest and plenty of fluids to recover."

I nodded, grateful for her expertise, but my attention remained focused on Daria. She looked weak and pale, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. I vowed to do everything in my power to help her heal, to ensure she received the care and support she needed.

The days that followed were filled with tending to Daria's needs, administering potions, and providing comfort. I watched as she slowly regained her strength, her spirit shining through despite the ordeal she had endured.

In the quiet moments, when the world seemed still, we would talk, sharing stories and laughter that cut through the monotony of her recovery. And as I saw the sparkle return to her eyes, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. Gratitude for her resilience, for the bond we shared as family, and for the chance to be there for her when she needed it most.

For in those moments, I realized that love and duty were intertwined, and that the role of a guardian went far beyond the confines of a classroom or the cold stone walls of Hogwarts. And as I watched her grow stronger with each passing day, I knew that the love I had for my little sister's child had shaped the man I had become – a man who would do anything to protect and care for the ones he held dear.

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