Chapter 3

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After Sasha had paid the parking meter for a few hours, the three wandered around the city. 

They didn't exactly know where they were going, and that was alright. 

Anne still couldn't get over the fact that Marcy could purr. 

"I can't believe you never told us!" She exclaimed, waving her arms around.

Marcy made a face. "It's not just something I tell people. Then they want to test it out."

"But you know us!" Anne continued. 

Marcy just shrugged. 

Sasha, on the other hand, wanted to know questions about the purring. 

  "So, can you control it?" The blonde asked, and Marcy shook her head.

"It just happens."

"Do certain things influence it?"

"It happens when I'm happy, content, relaxed, or anything else like that," Marcy answered. "The louder the purr means the stronger the emotion. So, say I'm really happy or really relaxed. Those purrs would be louder than purrs if I was just a little happy or a little relaxed. "

Sasha 'oh'ed, while Anne was overjoyed at this information. 

"Oh, I am SO gonna do anything I can to hear that again!" 

Sasha chuckled.

"We also have to admit Marcy, it is pretty cute."

"You don't get a say in this, hypocrite." 

"Hey! We aren't a hypocrite!"

"Whatever, just leave me alone."

"So, you're starting to believe that we are real?"

"That's not what I meant-"

"But you thought it!"


"There are thousands of thoughts running through your head Marcy, we can listen to all of them. We know how devastated you were when Anne and Sasha told you they're dating, we know how you're focusing on the sound of a cardinal chirping over there, and we know how exhausted you are."

"You are the thing exhausting me."



"So, Marcy." Sasha's voice snapped the raven-haired woman back to reality, out of her mind. "What do ya wanna do?"

"I dunno," Marcy mumbled. "I haven't really thought abo-HMP!" Marcy was cut off as someone grabbed the hood of her jacket. 

Anne and Sasha turned, Anne shocked, Sasha angry. "Hey! Let go of her you-" The guy yanked Marcy back, the woman calling out and stumbling back in surprise. 

He pulled her into an alleyway, Anne and Sasha quickly following behind. 

He pinned her against the wall, and Marcy gasped.

It was that guy. 

The guy who had kissed her just hours before.

He grinned, "I promised you I would see you later, didn't I?" 

Marcy scowled. "I already told you I'm not interested, so let go of me you-" 

He cut her off by trying to kiss her.

Marcy was able to squirm free of his grasp this time, just as Anne and Sasha came into the alleyway. 

"Marcy!" Anne ran over to her, "Are you alright?" 

Facade (Amphibia Future AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora