Chapter 6

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On the car ride to the grocery store, Marcy got a message from Nick.

"Did you call your therapist yet?"

Panic struck Marcy. 

"Oops." The core said in a taunting tone. 

"Not yet, thanks for reminding me!"

Marcy quickly fumbled for her therapist's number in her contacts, Henry Owens was his name.

As they neared the store, Marcy finally found it. (Dang she had way more contacts than she thought she did.)

"Hey, you two can go in, I need to call someone real quick," Marcy told Anne and Sasha as they parked, unbuckling and climbing out of the car.

"We can wait for you," Sasha suggested. 

Panic flared up in Marcy again. "N-no it's fine!" She quickly exclaimed, "It might take a little bit so y-you don't have to!" 

"Really Marce, it's no big deal," Anne added.

"I-it's really fine! You don't have to!" Her gaze turned a bit more serious. "I'll meet you in the store in a few minutes, all right?"

Anne and Sasha shared a look, hesitating before nodding. "If you say so Marbles," Sasha said, and Marcy nodded.

The two then turned and headed across the parking lot to the entrance of the grocery store. 

Marcy sighed, hesitated, and looked back at her phone for a moment.

"Why did I do that...they're gonna think I'm insane..."

"You are insane." 

"Only because of you. "


"Guess this means I win again." Marcy thought, hesitating before then clicking call. 

It rang for a few moments as Marcy held the device up to her ear. 


Marcy flinched, "Owens!" 

"Sorry, sorry, but WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

"I'm in LA, just calling to say I'll be here for about a week, so I won't be able to do my appointments."

"Oh, no problem! We can just do them-"

"Don'tsayitdon'tsayitdon'tsay-" Marcy thought.

"Over the phone!"

The woman let out a defeated sigh, "Fine."

"Okie-Dokie! First things first-" The sound of a pen clicking. 

"Hold on a second, Owens, do you literally have your clipboard right now?"

"Sure do! I gotta document everything about wrong about my patients!"

"Ouch Henry, ouch." Marcy joked, calling her therapist by his first name. 

He chuckled, "So, have you been taking your antipsychotics?"

"They ran out."

He wrote something down. "Okay, I'll send you the prescription just in case you need more. Your other medicine doing okay?"

"Yup," Marcy responded dryly, taking out her pack of cigarettes and opening it.  

"Okay, now have you been hearing those voices again? Or, 'The Core'?" 

Marcy froze, in the process of lighting her cigarette. She wanted to lie, but this was her therapist. She was supposed to tell him everything. "...yes. It's gotten worse."

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