Chapter 5

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When Marcy woke up from a surprisingly nightmare-less sleep, she felt a weight at her sides.

Slightly stretching, she remembered the events of last night, and how Anne had begged her to sleep in their room, where she was now.

Anne was cuddled against her, Marcy's own arms wrapped around her shoulders. Sasha was spooning Anne from the back.

Marcy slowly sat up, flinching when a pain in her side stopped her for a moment. Anne shifted but didn't wake up when she did this.

She quietly left the room, heading to the guest room where she was staying. She pulled on some socks and a hoodie over her T-shirt. She checked her phone, which she had left on her bedside table.

7:03 AM.

"Well, I'm up early. Guess it must be timezone stuff..."

She opened the drawer, grabbing her lighter and her pack of cigarettes. Lastly, she grabbed her phone.

She headed out to the back deck, which was much bigger than her own.

Taking the cigarette pack out of her pocket, she tapped it against her thigh a few times before opening it.

Taking a cigarette out, she put it between her lips as she grabbed her lighter. After doing so, she cupped the end of her cigarette as she lit it.

She took a long drag from it, exhaling the smoke which floated away. She watched a dove soar from a tree, the cigarette in between her ring and middle finger.

She sighed, taking another drag from her cigarette.

She flicked the ash off the end of the cigarette, exhaling the smoke once more.

"Ugh, stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Doing this thing! Our mouth tastes horrible. How can you stand this?!"

"Smoking?" Marcy thought back, "You get used to the taste eventually. If you keep complaining, I'll only do it more."


Marcy bowed her head, taking another drag from her cigarette. "God, what is wrong with me? Why can't I go a day without this stupid buzz?!" She flicked the ash off the end.


Marcy's head shot up, and she spun around to see Sasha standing at the entrance outside.

"I-I-" Marcy studdered, frozen.

Sasha sighed, closing the porch door behind her, and to Marcy's surprise, she enveloped her in a big hug.

"I-I'm sorry," Marcy whispered, feeling tears well in her eyes. No. She would not cry. "I thought you would hate me if you knew..."

"Look, it's okay Marcy. I work with people who have addictions, even some kids have this addiction. I understand the feeling you get from them."

"I-I shouldn't have been smoking at your house-"

"Look, Marcy, it's fine, just don't flick the butt into the yard." She let the raven-haired woman go. "Have you tried to quit?"

Marcy hesitated. "Yes...but- That stupid guy broke my inhaler."

Sasha looked confused. "Your inhaler?"

"Yeah, so, basically," Marcy paused, taking a drag from her cigarette, turning her head so she wouldn't blow the smoke at Sasha.

"It's a nicotine inhaler. You put the mouthpiece and a cartridge on/in it, and you inhale, like a regular inhaler. My doctor prescribed it to me. The nicotine goes into my bloodstream, and no harmful chemicals that come with smoking go to my lungs. Then, after a while, I'll slowly decrease the amount of nicotine, until I don't need it anymore."

Facade (Amphibia Future AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang