Chapter 11

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Darcy sat, kicking their legs as if this were no big deal.

Anne had tears in her eyes, and Sasha looked furious.

"Can you just- take Marcy out of the pit?"

"Could, but it's much more fun to hear her screams of pain and suffering."

"You're sick" Sasha spat.

"Why thank you."

Darcy's eye twitched, and Sasha narrowed her eyes.

Anne suddenly exploded.

She lunged forward, grabbing onto Darcy's shoulders and pulling them down, "M-Marcy, remember that time in Amphibia when we saw each other for the f-first time in months? And I tackled you to the ground and you were so-so wet but you didn't care?" She forced a smile on her face, hot tears rolling down, "R-remember the time when you told us that those cardinal things wern't dangerous, but then they tried to eat you?"

The core squirmed, eyebrows furrowed as they tried to get free.

Anne's voice echoed in the pit, and Marcy heard it.

She began to feel stronger.

"Marcy," Sasha began, "Remember that time at the 3rd temple? The gravity was so strong you looked like a pancake!"

"Stop this...!" The core hissed, and Anne saw that the corner of their right eye was white.

The core struggled against the binds, as the two girlfriends continued to talk about memories. Darcy's full right eye was back to Marcy's normal color.

Sasha noticed this and gasped. Anne was still.

Darcy grunted, slumping over as they tried to remain in control. They were both fighting now, Marcy and the core, struggling for the control they both so desperately needed.

They began to tremble at how tired they were. "Ghhh-"

"C'mon Marcy," Anne whispered, "You're stronger then they are, c'mon, you can fight them."

Both of Darcy's eyes were back to normal now, but the three eyes still remained on their forehead.

They looked at the ceiling, panting as hot tears slid down their cheeks.

"C'mon Mar Mar," Sasha begged.

(Darcy?) Marcy screamed, thrashing against their binds and trying to get all the control back.

"LET ME OUT!" They screamed, thrashing desperately, their eyes shut tight.

"LET ME GO! STOP THIS!" The voice wasn't as distorted now.

Tears rolled down Anne's face, and Sasha, who rarely cried, had tears in her eyes.

Then, the voice became more and more like Marcy's voice, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" 

She thrashed and thrashed until her wrists were raw. She wanted to break loose of her binds and clutch her head, but she couldn't

"GET. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD!" Marcy screamed one last time before the eyes on her forehead closed, and she fell forward.

Sasha caught her, hugging her tightly.

"M-Marcy?" Anne studdered, seeing that the girl wasn't moving.

"I think she passed out-" Sasha murmured, her breathing shaky, "I can't imagine how exhausted she is."

Anne just nodded, slowly tracing circles on Marcy's back.

Marcy didn't respond, limp in Sasha's arms.

"L-let's get her to bed." Sasha murmured, and picked the girl up.

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