Chapter 9

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Marcy's first instinct was fight or flight. 

She pulled on her arm as if trying to take the IV out. 

"How long have I been-"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, Mar Mar, it's's 9:34 PM"

Marcy reluctantly stopped,  her brows furrowed as she felt something.

Her legs were all tingly, as if they were asleep, and felt heavy when she moved them.

She glanced at Anne and Sasha, who were watching her carefully. 

She concentrated and moved her legs, and they felt the same. 

Slightly shifting her position, she became confused. 


Just then a nurse with brown hair tied up in a ponytail with glasses and a smile on her face came in, closing the door behind her. In her arms was a clipboard, a pen attached. 

"Ah, Ms. Wu, so you're finally up. Now, we have things to discuss with you."

Marcy shared a confused glance with Anne and Sasha.

"Sooo, when these two brought you in here, you were unconscious," She nurse made an 'X' on her clipboard, "Do you remember anything from before you passed out?"

"Um, head was hurting...and then there my back felt like it was on fire..." She squinted her eyes trying to remember, "And my chest too," She subconsciously reached a hand up to her chest, her fingers brushing over delicate scar tissue. 

The nurse wrote something down, "Well, we considered your earlier medical history with your chest and back and arm injuries, and-"

"Wait wait wait," Anne interrupted, "Arm injuries?"

"The rejuvenation tank had tubes that plugged into me to keep me alive. Unfortunately, those were designed for newts, who would grow their limbs back." Marcy swiftly explained, and Anne 'oh'ed.

"Well, I asked your friends if you had been in any harm, and they told me about the guy who pushed you into the alley and injured you. Your spine was already in a delicate position as it is, and it seems like the blow had redamaged some of your back."

"Oh," Marcy blinked, "Is that it?"

The nurse's face scrunched up, "Not exactly, erm..."

"It may have done more damage to your spine. After your injury with your chest and back, your spine, as I said, was delicate. It seems that the blow has worsened the damage."

"And?" Marcy asked, a bit impatiently.

The nurse ignored her, "Do you feel anything...different? Off?"

"I uhm- my legs feel super tingly and kinda heavy."

The nurse wrote something down on her clipboard again, "Can you move them?"

Marcy nodded. 

"Well, that's good." A small smile made its way onto the nurse's face once more. "I'll be back soon."

And with that, she left. 

Marcy looked at Anne and Sasha, "The heck was that about?" 

Anne and Sasha both shrugged. 

"Ah, so you're awake now..."

"Have been for some time, idiots."

"Whatever, what matters is that you're awake NOW. That's all that matters..."

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