Thoma's wish

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"Alright Thoma, it's time for you to meet the young Lady and the young Master. They'll be your future superiors."

Thoma's father was taking him to meet Ayaka and Ayato for the first time. He was only 6 years old, the same as Ayaka, and barely understood all of this "future clan leaders and superiors" talk. In his mind, he was just going on a play date to meet new friends.

The door opened to reveal a 10 year old Ayato telling his younger sister what seemed to be an invigorating tale, because Ayaka was all but drooling, stars in her eyes, staring at her brother with anticipation, hooked on his every word. Upon hearing the door swing open, Ayato looked up, and Ayaka turned around from her seat on the floor. The room fell silent, and all eyes were on Thoma.

"H-hello," Thoma stuttered. Since when did he do that? Rebuilding his confidence, he calmly stated, "My name's Thoma, it's nice to meet you!"

The older boy, his name was Ayato right?, seemed to hesitate. He stood in place staring at Thoma with a half shocked half curious expression. Ayaka, however, shot straight up and greeted Thoma with a wide smile. " I'm Ayaka, how old are you? What's your favorite food? Ooo, have you ever been to a festival?"

Thoma didn't know what question to answer first. Eventually Ayato stepped in and calmed his little sister down, explaining how he had just been telling her a story he heard about the most recent festival in Inazuma.

The rest of the "Play date" went smoothly, and the 3 children hit it off. Thoma loved Ayaka's energy, and the way Ayato was so calm and kind when dealing with her.

Over the years, they grew up together. Ayaka's antics, and Ayato's sighs when he always got mixed up in them. Thoma grew to admire both of them dearly, he and Ayaka were practically inseparable, but when it came to Ayato, let's just say he yearned for a deeper kind of relationship. But when Ayato presented as an alpha, he worried his chances of actually being with him were slim.

Thoma always knew Ayato would be an alpha, but the day it actually happened...the hard truth really hit him for the first time. Male omegas weren't exactly common, and Ayato had no choice but to marry an omega so he could further the family line.

On her eighteenth birthday, Ayaka presented as an omega. Everyone in the estate was ecstatic, as well as Thoma. He knew she had been hanging out with a female alpha named Yoimiya, and he was glad they could be together now, but this only increased his own anxiety about the "Ayato situation" as he was now calling it.

He was in fact 18 himself, yet hadn't presented yet. He didn't know if that was good or bad. He had long since confessed his love for Ayato to Ayaka, and she was supportive, but these days, he just couldn't shut up about it when he was around her.

Not until that fateful day when Thoma's whole life was changed.

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