The Boat Ride~

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"I'll take him by myself," Ayaka said. She and Ayato were standing outside Thoma's bedroom as he packed all the things he would need at Kokomi's.

"No, I have to come with you two." Ayato was set on going with them. He had to make sure his Thoma stayed safe.

"Ayato..." Ayaka whispered through a sigh.

"It's ok, Ayaka. Trust me please, I can do this. You know I'd never try anything." Ayato pleaded. He was strong enough to keep his hands off of Thoma, at least for now. "What if you run into trouble on the way there? I just want to keep you both safe."

"Ugh, ok fine," Ayaka caved. She knew how stubborn her brother could be, and she knew that Thoma would actually appreciate him being there. She had heard so many times, Ayato this and Ayato that, Thoma would actually probably be mad at her if she sent Ayato away now. They were fools, both of them. "If it gets to be too much for you, I'm sending you home immediately. No arguments."

"Of course Ayaka, I only want the best for Thoma. He is my dear friend after all." With that the door swung open to reveal none other than Thoma himself. He held two bags, one in each arm, and was grinning like an idiot. Why did he have to be so cute?

"I'm all ready to go," Thoma said,"I've got enough clothes for the week, plus some extra things, and toiletries as well."

"Great!" Ayaka forced a smile as she turned to Thoma. Is letting Ayato tag along really the best idea? Well she couldn't worry about it anymore, they had to leave now.

* * *

Watatsumi Island wasn't exactly close. As the name "island" implies, they had to take a boat. It was a two day trip, so Ayaka was practically biting her nails with worry as to whether they would make it in time. The boat wasn't small, but she worried for Ayato being in close proximity to Thoma. He could go into heat literally any moment.

If Ayato so much as looked at Thoma the wrong way, Ayaka would throw him off the boat. He had a hydro vision, she was sure he could survive.

"Ayaka~," a familiar voice called, pulling Ayaka out of her thoughts. Walking up the ramp to the boat was Yoimiya, Ayaka's girlfriend. "Ayato told me about the sitch' so I've come to tag along." Ayato you sneaky bastard, Ayaka thought.

"That's great," Ayaka said, hugging Yoimiya. She always seemed to smell like sparklers and fireworks. Ayaka found it comforting. It's not like she wasn't happy to see the woman of her dreams.

* * *

The hour was midnight, and Ayato couldn't sleep. It was that damned smell. Ayato had seen many omegas in his day, Ayaka included, but none of them had ever been so...tempting. He was standing on the bow of the ship, staring at the stars in the night sky. Oh, how he wanted just a taste.

Before he knew it, his feet had led him down into the hull. He passed Ayaka's room where she was fast asleep in Yoimiya's arms. He wished that he could one day hold Thoma the same way.

Then he was standing at Thoma's door. I really shouldn't go in there, he thought, it would only cause trouble and Ayaka would kill me. But, if nobody knew...

He grabbed the handle and snuck inside as quietly as possible. He didn't wish to disturb Thoma, he only wanted to look at his beautiful face. And there he was, asleep, moonlight pooled through the window and shone on his face. He held a peaceful expression.

The blankets were a ruffled mess, leaving half of his body exposed. His pajama shirt had ridden up, showing his lower abdomen. Here Ayato had come just to see Thoma's face, but he was lucky enough to stumble upon a sight like this. Thoma's toned stomach was on full display. Ayato imagined what touching him would be like, the feeling of Thoma's body under his own.

Due to his better judgment, he decided against it. Though the decision was painful indeed.

He settled, instead, for tucking a loose strand of hair behind Thoma's ear, and leaving a peck on his forehead. Ayato took a deep breath, and inhaled Thoma's utterly delicious scent. He wished he could taste it, trap it in a bottle and smell it forever. Yet, he could not. At least now he was satisfied enough to fall asleep in his own bed.

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