What's that smell?

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"There was fireworks, and music...'" Ayato's story was interrupted by the creak of the door opening. He looked up to see a boy with blonde hair and bright green eyes.

"H-hello, My name's Thoma, it's nice to meet you!" His voice was soft yet confident. He tilted his head and flashed a wide smile. Ayato was so enchanted he hesitated to move.

His sister was on the move before he could straighten his thoughts. " I'm Ayaka, how old are you? What's your favorite food? Ooo, have you ever been to a festival?"

That snapped him out of his trance. "I apologize for my sister, I was just telling her a story I'd overheard from one of the chefs. It was about the most recent festival, we aren't allowed to go to things like that."

Thoma was more than happy to explain his past experiences to the two children, and Ayato was more than happy to listen. Why was Thoma's voice so calming?

Ayato didn't know why he'd just remembered that right now. He was zoning out in the middle of a meeting, thinking about Thoma as he usually did. Since when did he get into the habit of doing that?

Suddenly, he caught a whiff of something foreign in the air. Like roasted cinnamon, and the smoke when you blow out a candle. All alphas had an enhanced sense of smell, but Ayato obsessed over it. He had memorized the scent of every person in the estate, every street vendor in the city, and other important people. This new sent, however, reminded him of...

Ayato stood straight up, pushing back his chair in the process, which caught the attention of everyone else at the table. His eyes were wide, and he had a shaken expression on his face.

"Young Master, is something the matter?" It's only natural that the other people present were concerned. Ayato never acted out of place, he was the perfect role model, at least in public.

"Gotta go," He mumbled, barely audible, and stumbled out of the room. He rushed through halls, searching for the source of this...delicious odor. It was faint, but he could track it down. He WOULD track it down. Wait. What are you doing, Ayato? Running through the halls like a mad man, get a hold of yourself! He stopped moving and stood in place, breathing deeply. Calm down and focus. Ayato called to mind the layout of the estate while taking deep breaths. Piece by piece he mapped together a route. That way.

He rushed forward, took a right turn, and then a left. He jogged his way through half the estate before arriving at a door. He spared no time rushing into it, not even checking who's door it was. He already knew.

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