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They rode along a dirt pathway. Every bump in the road made Thoma wince with pain. Everytime he did, Ayato would steal a worried glance. And everytime Ayato glanced at Thoma, Ayaka squeezed Yoimiya's hand out of anxiety.

"Will you stop that?" She whispered in Ayaka's ear, "It'll be fine. Sometimes you just have to let things play out. You know how he feels right?" Yoimiya had assumed that Ayaka knew about her brother's crush, and that was what she had implied, so she was just a bit confused when Ayaka started whisper ranting about Thoma.

"Of course I know, that's exactly why I'm so worried. Thoma is always talking about Ayato, he never shuts up about him! Thoma is so sweet and loving, and he wants Ayato to love him back. He wants Ayato to see him, not just because he's an omega, or because it's their instincts. He wants to get with Ayato on his own terms-"

"Wait, shut up," Yoimiya said as she stopped walking, "You mean to tell me that Thoma has a crush on your brother?"

"Well, isn't it obvious?"

"I meant Ayato. When I said 'you know how he feels', I meant Ayato." Yoimiya was shocked, not that much, but still. Ayaka's answer to her question was unexpected.

"What about me?" Ayato asked. That made the girls look up to realize that when they had stopped walking, so did everyone else.

"Oh, nothing important," Yoimiya said hurriedly, waving her arms to signify no. She smiled uneasily, and everyone could tell it was forced. After an awkward pause, they all just just turned around and kept walking. As soon as the attention was off of them, Ayaka grabbed Yoimiya's arm and started whisper yelling in her ear.

"What do you mean 'you meant Ayato'?! What do you know about my brother that I don't?"

"Only the fact that he's down bad for Thoma, you seriously didn't know?" Yoimiya responded.

"Wait," Ayaka said, "this changes everything. You know what we have to do now, right?"

"Why of course I do," Yoimiya said, donning a smirk, "It's time to play matchmaker."


This is so short because it's just setting up future events ;)

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