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Thoma awoke to a smell of rain and saltwater, which hadn't been there when he fell asleep. Did somebody come into his room? Well, it didn't matter anyway. All his things were just the way he'd left them.

When he walked up to the deck, everyone was already eating breakfast. "Ah, Thoma, you're awake," Ayaka called to him, "come over here and eat."

After wolfing down a plate of omurice, and watching Yoimiya spoon feed Ayaka. Thoma asked, "So what are we going to do today?"

* * *

It was late afternoon and the group was playing mahjong. They had been playing for quite some time, and the game was drawing to a close.

"That's it," Ayaka yelled, "I win!"

"Aw man, I was so close," Yoimiya whined. Ayato just hummed, he had been nowhere close to winning, but nobody had to know that. Thoma had been doing quite well until a few minutes ago. The sun was going down, yet he felt so very hot. A bead of sweat dripped down his forehead, and his thoughts were going foggy. His breathing is heavy and he can't seem to keep his eyes open.

He snapped to attention upon hearing Ayato's voice. It's hard to tell, but he thinks Ayato is talking to him. "Are you ok, Thoma? You look like you're about to fall over."

"Unh?" is all Thoma can say before he hits the hard floor and blacks out.

* * *

"That's it," Ayaka yells, "I win!"

"Aw man, I was so close," Yoimiya complained.

Ayato is proud of his little sister, but quite disappointed in himself. He had in fact been losing. But that was trivial. I wonder how well Thoma did, he thought.

At that very second, Thoma's scent thickened. Ayato almost choked. He looked over at Thoma who seemed like he had just run fifty miles. His face was red, and he was dripping with sweat. He was wobbling in his chair, and his eyes kept fluttering shut.
"Are you ok, Thoma? You look like you're about to fall over." Thoma slowly turned his head in Ayato's direction.

"Unh?" he mumbled, as the boat hit a wave. Being too weak to hold his position, Thoma fell over in his chair and hit the deck hard. Ayaka and Yoimiya stopped talking, and turned towards the sound only to see a passed out Thoma, lying on the floor, a bruise on his temple. He didn't move.

"Oh my goodness!" Ayaka gasped, rushing over to Thoma. "What happened?"

"He looked tired and sweaty, so I asked if he was ok and then he fell over. " Ayato explained.

"Oof," Yoimiya said, crouching next to Ayaka, "he smells real strong."

"Oh no," Ayaka fretted, "it seems as if he's going into heat, but that fall really knocked him out. I'll take him to his room right now."

"Let me carry him, I'm stronger than you sister," Ayato argued, "Thoma isn't exactly light, you needn't struggle when I'm here to help."

"Ayato..." Ayaka all but growled, she held a stern expression. "Remember the promise you made?"

"I know, dear sister, but I can control myself. Just let me carry him for you, and I will spend the rest of the trip as far away as possible." All Ayato really wanted was to help. His sister's weak trust was actually quite insulting.

"I swear Ayato-"

"I know exactly how you feel, dear sister, but I'm going to say this bluntly: I don't care." With that Ayato walked past the shocked Ayaka, kneeled next to Thoma, and scooped him up Bridal-style.

"I'll follow them," Yoimiya said to the still stuck in place Ayaka who was failing to comprehend what just happened. Her brother had never been the slightest bit rude to her before!

As Ayato carried Thoma to his room, the omega nuzzled closer to Ayato's chest in his sleep. Ayato released some calming pheromones, and Thoma donned a peaceful expression. He wished he could help Thoma in other ways...No. Don't think like that, Ayato told himself. He'd been harsh with Ayaka already, and he had no intentions of breaking their promise. Yet Thoma tempted him in the worst ways, and he smelled so damn good.

They arrived at Thoma's door. He pushed it open with his foot, walked inside, and softly placed Thoma down on his bed. He made sure that the omega was in a comfortable position, and pulled up the covers. He gave Thoma a light peck on the cheek and breathed him in one last time. "I'll miss you my love." He whispered into Thoma's ear.

"Holy. Shit." Yoimiya had been standing in the doorway the whole time. Ayato reeled around in surprise. "I thought it was strange for you to be on this ship, but now everything makes sense. You, Ayato, are a down bad simp for Thoma."

"Why, it's not like I was hiding it," Ayato confessed, "I just couldn't say anything in front of Ayaka. I fear she'd throw me overboard."

Yoimiya chuckled, "Yeah, she totally would."

"And it's not just now," Ayato continued, "I've always been fond of Thoma, however, it's gotten a bit out of hand these days. He plagues my every thought."

"Why are you confessing all this to me?" Yoimiya asked, surprised at how willing Ayato was to share such information.

"Like I said, it's no secret. If Thoma is to be my mate one day, how should I hope to attract him if I act cold and unfeeling." Ayato reasoned. Yoimiya had to admit, he made a fair point.

With that, Ayaka marched into the room, her hands on her hips, a slight frown on her face. Ayato put his hands in the air, "I'm leaving now, you needn't look so angry."

"Oh, save it," Ayaka grumbled, so Ayato put his hands down, and silently walked out of the room.

You smell...AmazingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang