Courtyard gossip

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Ayato paced back and forth across the dock. Thoma was coming home today. He could see the ship in the distance, and the wait was excruciating. Somehow, for the past five days, Thoma had managed to invade his every thought. It was truly frustrating. But all of that didn't matter now because in a few minutes his precious Thoma would be back by his side, where he belonged.

* * *

As they tied down the ship, and everyone started to unboard, Thoma was filled with glee. It took all his self control not to run right off the ship and jump into Ayato's arms. Yet he composed himself, and settled on grinning like an idiot instead.

Ayaka rushed past him, and embraced her brother in a tight hug. But it only lasted for a few seconds before she rushed over and tackled Yoimiya, who was standing nearby, to the ground. As they rolled around in a pile of hugs and kisses, Thoma walked up to Ayato and gave him a casual hug. But nothing was ever casual with Ayato because just being in his arms made Thoma swoon.

"I missed you," Thoma spoke into Ayato's shoulder.

"The feeling was mutual," Ayato mumbled back. He was just happy to finally be reunited with his sweet little Thoma. It had only been five days, but it had felt like five years.

* * *

"Is everything all set?"

"Yes, Ayaka," Yoimiya spoke through her device.

"Are you sure? It all has to be perfect for my gaybies. I won't settle for anything less!" Ayaka was stressed. Today was the big night, the day of the set-up. They had prepared the whole venue, and everything was indeed perfect, but Ayaka was always overthinking and worrying about trivial things.

"Sweetheart, calm down. You know everything will be fine, you prepared more than half of it yourself!" It was up to Yoimiya to be the reassuring girlfriend.

"I know, I know, but unexpected events are called unexpected for a reason."

"And I tell you that you worry too much for a reason. Everything will be fine, just focus on your part. Talk to you later!"

The plan was this: Ayaka would tell Ayato there was a schedule change, and he had to go to dinner, but she would pretend like she didn't know who the other guest was. Meanwhile, Yoimiya would go to Thoma and tell him he had dinner with the commissioner to celebrate his recent coming-of-age. And because it wasn't normal for her to be in the Yashiro commission's business, she would use the excuse that Ayaka was supposed to tell him herself, but got caught up in something so she asked Yoimiya to go on her behalf.

These two steps were already completed, and now they just had to wait for the sun to go down.

* * *

Leave it to Ayato to be overly curious. Ayaka told him he was going to dinner tonight, but not with whom. It was such an important detail, he couldn't imagine how she could just forget. Therefore, he had to do some investigating.

For things like this, Ayato knew who to ask. Hiratsuka worked for the Yae Publishing House, but she could often be found hanging around the Kamisato Estate, chatting with anyone who had the time. She spoke with many people, and if you wanted to catch up on gossip, she was the go-to. If it was just a business diner, she would know. Or, if something mischievous was going on, she was sure to hold the details.

She was standing at her usual spot in the courtyard, and as he approached her, he noticed she was donning a coy little smirk. This'll be good, he thought begrudgingly.

"Hello, Hiratsuka"

"Hello, Commissioner. Why might I have the pleasure of making your acquaintance today?" Hiratsuka had the voice of a fox. She sounded as if she were a predator, getting ready to pounce on her prey.

"I would like to know if there's anything suspicious happening around here. Specifically, suspicious things relating to myself."

"Hmm, I might have what you want. But for information, one must pay."

"How much?" Ayato couldn't wait to get out of here. For no reason, Hiratsuka always gave him a strange vibe.

"Gossip for gossip. You must tell me a secret you know, and I'll give you the answers you want. Of course, your secret must be genuine. From chatting with so many people, I've learned how to tell when someone is lying. Oh! And I want something good, something only you know, something rare. " She was a vulture indeed, always after the juiciest details. However, Ayato was up against the wall on this one, so he had no choice but to comply.



Fun Fact: Hiratsuka is an actual npc, u won't regret talking to her 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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