Congratulations! You're an omega.

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Thoma's bedroom door burst open. In the doorway stood a hunched over, huffing and puffing Ayato.

"What are you doing here, Ayato? And why do you look so tired?" Let's just say, Thoma was more than confused. Wasn't Ayato supposed to be in a meeting right now?

"Are you ok, Thoma? How are you feeling? Is anything wrong?" Ayato's voice held a hint of worry. His face looked concerned.

"Why I feel just fine, Ayato. The only one out of place here is you, acting so unprofessional." It truly was strange for Ayato to be acting like this, he always held a calm demeanor. "Do you need something?"

"You smell," Ayato blurted. Thoma realized what this was about. He knew how particular Ayato was about scents, so he always tried to clean himself extra well. But here Ayato had come all this way just to tell Thoma he smelled bad.

"I apologize, I'll take a bath as soon as possible, I'm sorry you had to come all this way," Thoma said. He really did try his best, but some days he would miss a spot.

"NO! You smell good. You smell an omega."

Thoma went pale. There were only two thoughts in his head. 1.) Ayato thinks I smell good. 2.) HOLY SHIT DID HE JUST SAY OMEGA?!?

Wait. Now that Thoma thought about it, he had been feeling an extra bit warm today. Not to mention, he'd woken up with sore shoulders as well. "Wait, Ayato slow down. Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I know that smell Thoma. It was the same with Ayaka. Well, not the exact same, because everyone's unique, but I think...I think you're presenting. And, you're an omega."

Thoma's world flipped. He could swear that time stopped. All of his dreams of being with Ayato, all of his worries that fate would screw him over. It faded into the background. Here, the man of his dreams had literally run to him the second he sensed something was off. And something so huge nonetheless. How did he not notice? The drowsiness, the sore wrists and shoulders, his increased body temp. He had waited four years for this day and it was finally here. He knew Ayato's nose was right 99% of the time. And if Ayato said he was an omega, then he was an omega.

"Holy shit." he whispered. Then looking up at Ayato with his biggest smile ever he burst into a fit of sporadic laughter. He laughed until he cried, until he couldn't breathe. All the while Ayato was standing in awe of Thoma's reaction. Silently at first, he chuckled to himself. Then eventually, he had somehow joined Thoma in his laughing session.

A servant passed by, eyed them down suspiciously, and walked away slowly. Thoma adored hearing Ayato laugh, but he always held a professional and calm face when in public. Thoma only got to hear his genuine laughter when they were together, either alone or with Ayaka.

Speaking of which, that servant just so happened to be Ayaka's chamber maid. Who just so happened to tell her master about the very strange occurrence she had just seen.

"What the hell are you two doing? Laughing in here like a bunch of lunes." Ayaka sighed in the doorway, shaking her head. The presence of his sister seemed to knock Ayato out of his trance.

"I think," he said, gasping for breath,"I think I broke him."

"Well what did you do?!" Ayaka was all but yelling. Thoma was STILL cackling, he had collapsed on his bed and was muffling his laughter into a pillow.

"I was in a meeting, and I smelled something," Ayato explained, "I knew it was Thoma's scent but it had omega qualities, just like the time you presented. So I rushed to see if I was too late. I wouldn't want him to have his first heat here in the open where anyone could take advantage of him. Yet when I got here, he was just fine. So I warned him of what I had sensed. He got quiet for a minute then flashed the biggest smile I've ever seen, and fell into a fit of laughter. I don't know why, but I couldn't help but to join in."

Ayaka sighed, sometimes her brother could be quite oblivious. Ayaka marched over to where Thoma was curled on his bed, turned him over, and slapped him in the face. That did the trick because Thoma stopped laughing and began to rub his cheek, which was now red.

"Ow! What was that for Ayaka?" Thoma whined.

"I had to get you to stop laughing like an idiot. If what my brother says is true, and it probably is, then we need to move fast. The change isn't gradual, Thoma, it hits you all at once. We need to get you to Kokomi right now, or you'll be in a world of trouble."

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