Chapter 17: Museum

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2nd pov

"Woah, check this out!" MK exclaimed at the top of his lungs as he shot toward the huge statue "A statue of Monkey king!" he can't stop admiring the handmade statue that had been built a thousand centuries ago. The statue was made out of gold with metal and other legendary statue figures on the back except it was made out of rock. The floor was shiny, almost bright like the heaven sky, and the beautiful texture of the wall of gold

You, Mei, and Tang walk around watching the beautiful old-times stuff some were creepy some were sad in each behind the stories. Tang glanced at each picture that was on the glass and examined it in full concentration, you glance at all the places searching for the place where you need to visit in the first place not noticing someone or a certain eye on you from afar

"Guys look!" Mei points towards the huge door made out of silver gold. The side of the huge pole curls with leaves and red flowers, and you then saw the one that you saw just like you search on the web. The warrior's statues and the pictures show the old part of yourself. you look up the 13 statues they have a different kinds of poses and feel a bit exposed for a few minutes

The first snake warrior and the old self you standing together holding a weapon that you could tell was a hand fan. examine full of the face and it confirms the face look exactly like you except you were much taller in here "Woah, so that was me?" you muttered

"It looks exactly like you y/n. Don't you think Mr. Tang?" MK asked, glancing around the room once he enter its place. You had, to be honest, the place look tragic and all the picture shows somehow give you the chills, the table made out of white stone lays black with yellow words telling how the warriors do, power and death. you look up again to see more pictures of the warrior having a war

You look down toward the metal sign that front of the statue "12 zodiacs legendary warrior disappear after the incident in XXXX ago" you murmured blinked and finally notice people staring at you with wide eyes. The one family and couple whispered something which you clearly did not understand at all, you can't blame them if an old legend was long known to be dead people may be shocked seeing a person who shares the same face like the warrior

"I don't like when they look at y/n like that," Mk said, glancing around in alert "Let it be, at least they didn't bother us," I said still haven't moved my gaze up to my statue self. Tang nodded and glance outside where it talk more about the war history and journey to the west stuff "Well I'll go check there for a while" the three of your friend leave you alone in the room that soon becomes cold

your surrounding suddenly becomes dark, blueish light, and cold air hit your neck then it suddenly vanishes. A light tap on your shoulder causes you to jump backward serval times while making the 'get the fuck away from me' pose. you tilted your head when a familiar face appeared with a smile "apologize, did I scare you?" the mayor, it was him...

you nervously laugh "uh- it's good to see you again Mr mayor" you laughed anxious this man give you a weird vibe and you hate it, he tilted his head scanning up and down at you and he smiled wide a bit "I see you had an eye on that statue up there," he said with a high tone, you blinked and scratch your neck

"yeah, they were um amazing I could say" it's true the zodiac warrior were awesome in each of them and you can't help but feel happy knowing them in the past

The mayor chuckled heading beside you with hands in his pockets, you can smell the Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty perfume on him knowing he had a bunch of money well a rich man of course "That one over there looks the same as you perhaps that warrior is your ancestor or not. what could you say, theory never hurt" he said but deep down he was lying with all the words he said

you laughed didn't want this man to know who truly you are "heh yeah, probably but I don't think so we perhaps share the same look but a different person" you said making sure you sound right on every word "hm, yeah you right" he hummed softly under his breathe muttering quietly before flashing his usual creep smile "Are you busy in this hour?" he asked, putting his arm into his back

you are caught off guard by this, glancing around the museum room to see your friends were, you could tell they went somewhere place to visit other history stuff "I- uh no, not really" you give him a weak smile and a small narrow slightly forming on his gaze as he spoke "ah, I see. If you don't mind why don't we both go somewhere and get to know each other? I'm quite interested in you"

What the hell does he mean by that

You scratch your neck, attempting to find an excuse but found nothing for the situation as you anxiously look into his gaze "Uh...sure?" your answer is mostly like a question

His lips turn to grin and warp his arm around your shoulder "Perfect! Alright dear, why don't we take a long walk around and talk" his low tone shiver down your spine as you nodded anyway, feeling his fingers creep down to your arm

Minutes passed, and walking around the museum gallery he finally loses the touch which you gladly felt relief after that

He mostly rants more about the warrior stuff which makes you think he is a big fan of them and guess he often came here. But you haven't noticed how close you are to him, his gaze didn't look the way you walking instead he was examining you the whole time

Just like that, he farewells, saying he has an important 'meeting' in his office as he left into a thin blue smoke leaving you standing in the middle of the museum. Glancing around as you walk away from the spot to find your friends

Not knowing he is watching

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