Planning the suply run {chapter seven}

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"ok so we go here, see if it's looted already. we need a group of people to go, maybe four or five." rick said pointing to a spot marked on the map. he looked up to Shane and Andrea, but they shock their heads "I have to help herself fix fences he said as he and Andrea turned to leave. rick nodded and looked back to the map. "ill got." i chimed in. rick snapped his head to me, who was leaning on Daryl. "ok, any idea-" "absolutely not." Daryl cut him off. I turned to look at Daryl who was already looking at me. "and whys that?" I said back as I looked at him. "because we don't need ya' getting hurt, your wound is just starting to heal." he said back pulling me closer to his chest. "I'm going to let you two talk, ill get back to you guys with whatever group I can put together." rick said as he walked off. "come on Daryl, I will be fine." I said as I leaned into his body. "no, please kaya, your already hurt. plus what if yer' stitches rip on the trip? Hershel ain't there to fix ye' up." he said taking another drag from his cigarette.

I sighed at his concern, "Daryl, please. I feel useless around here, I need to help the group out more." I said to him "and I will earn my spot to stay here." I finished. "really? earn yer' spot. can ya' not see how much you do from these people? witout' you, they would not have food. how can you not see how dey' rely on ye'" he said stepping out his cigarette. "Daryl, you know that's not true." I said turning my head up to him. "yes it is, k. just please stay here. ill go and take your spot. I CAN'T lose ye'," he said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Please, Daryl I want to go. you know I can protect myself. my arm is almost fully healed." I said still trying to convince him. "exactly, almost healed. not fully yet, I know it still hurts kaya." I sighed. "yes, it does. but that doesn't matter," I pulled away from his embrace. "Daryl" I started grabbing his face. "I will be fine," I said pleading for him to drop it. he sighed in defeat "ok, ill go too." he said as he walked back to camp.

the sun was now setting and everyone was eating dinner that Lori had cooked. Daryl sat at the fire talking to carol, most likely about Sophia. Daryl beat himself up I was told, looking for Carol's little girl. I really hoped he could find her, but I think even he was starting to lose hope. after a while of sitting on a tree branch and everyone laughing and talking I decided to go back to Daryl's tent to get some sleep. I hopped out of the tree and made my way to his tent. I unzipped the flap and walked in untieing my shoelaces and kicked off my boots, laying myself in my bed. it was starting to get cold at night so I kept my jacket on.  I couldn't seem to fall asleep no matter how hard I tried.

I flipped onto my back and stared at the roof of the tent, thinking about no other than Daryl.  as if on cue the tent flap got unzipped and Daryl stepped in. "hey." his gruff voice said as he took off his shoes. "hi" I said with a sigh. "you good?" he asked confused. "yes, I'm fine just cold." I said looking into his piercing blue eyes. he grunted in response and continued taking his shoes, vest, and weapons off. daryl then walked over to me, and put his vest over top of me. "won't do much, the nights are getting colder." he said laying down in his bed. "no, Daryl I'm not taking your source of heat." I said feeling bad. "it's fine, I'm not cold." he said closing his eyes to go to sleep. I did the same knowing there was no arguing with him.

I took a deep breath got out of bed and put my katana, throwing knife, handgun and a sniper rick had given me. Daryl was already out of the tent but he didn't take his vest, I knew he would have wanted it so I picked it out and made my way over to camp looking for Daryl. he, rick, and gleen were standing at the motorhome talking. I walked up and stood next to Daryl. he looked at his vest in my hands and I handed it to him. "thanks" he said pulling his arms threw it. "kaya, are you still down for going?" rick asked noticing my presence.  "yes, do we have a group together yet?" I said back at Rick. "not really, we have you, Gleen, Daryl, and maybe myself." he said scratching the back of his head. "ok..." I trailed off looking to the group around the fire. "what about Maggi?" I asked looking back at rick. "nope I asked her, and she said she's helping Hershel round cows." he said shaking his head. "you don't think us four is enough?" Daryl asked rick "we could do groups of two." Daryl continued

"maybe, who will go with who?" he asked Daryl. "me and kay, and you with gleen." he said slinging his crossbow over his shoulder. "okay, sure that will work. go and get ready to go." rick said as he walked off. I turned to Daryl and sent him a small smile before walking away, him following. "so, what bags do we bring?" I asked Daryl "rick will get them, no need to worry bout' it," he said catching up with me.  I nodded my head as we walked past the campfire eating whatever carol and Lori put together and called breakfast.

"Ye' hungry?" Daryl asked gently grabbing my wrist. "Nah, I'm fine." I said turning to look at the food. "ya' sure, we ave' a big run today?"  he said dropping my wrist. "yes, Daryl I'm fine. what about you? you never eat." I said turning and locking my green eyes with his blue ones. he grunted and continued to walk forward, and I sighed knowing he was lying. we got to his tent and I grabbed my backpack and threw some water and a few small snacks for me and Daryl, who of course wouldn't eat them anyway. Neither would I, but he wouldn't let me go if I didn't. I knew it wasn't up to him, but we were friends after all and he was looking out for me. I just wasn't used to it, it felt wrong to me.

"ok, ye' ready." Daryl asked rick and gleen as we all walked over to the cars. "yeah, we got everything we need, Daryl will follow behind me and gleen, and then once we are there we split up, spend an hour there and then head back to the cars. do not leave without each other." rick said handing us our bags for looting. "mhm" I replied. I and daryl walked over to a truck, threw our bags in the trunk, and got in.  Daryl fired it up and followed behind rick and gleen. I was happy to finally get out of here, and help out a little but I was also worried that something would happen here, as we were taking most of the best fighters.

"ye' okay?" Daryl asked interrupting my thoughts. "oh, yeah I'm good, it's just..." I trailed off and Daryl grunted with an answer. "what if something happens here, I won't be able to help." I said with a sigh. "kaya, ita not your responsibility to watch over these people." he said putting his arm around my waist, and pulling me close to him. "I know" I sighed leaning into his touch.

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