The true comes out.. {chapter eight}

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Daryl had an arm around my waist and one on the steering wheel, as we drove up to the town we were looting. it wasn't much, a normal-sized town with the nessersiry stores. daryl pulled the truck up to where rick parked and we both slid out of the truck, walking around to the back and grabbing our bags. "me and gleen are going to the pharmacy, you guys go find food." rick said as he and gleen disappeared down an alleyway.

"c'mon" Daryl said as he grabbed my hand, I was lost in thought and distracted, i think he noticed. "hey, stop worrying about them, they're fine," he said turning me to face him, talking about the people back at camp. "I know" I sighed. "ye' like someone there or something?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "not there at the moment" I mumbled before I could stop myself. he looked at me confused, and then just continued walking. "so, you like green? ye' know him and Maggi are a thing." he said pointing his crossbow around. I stopped abruptly. "what? no, I don't like him." I said as I continued walking. "well it's between him and Rick, wouldn't think you would like rick." he said with a chuckle. "no, never mind Daryl. it doesn't matter." I mumbled. he grunted and looked around for food.

we walked into a small store that may have some food, it was like a small Walmart. I walked up the aisle and looked for any canned food or none rotten food. I spotted Daryl stealing glances at me, but I just ignored it. it was so annoying that I found myself falling for his guy, I had never liked someone in my whole life. why would he think I liked green? I wish I could just tell him, but it's the end of the world, there's no time for relationships. "so, who is it? is it really rick?" he asked nosily. "oh my god Daryl. NO, ok it's not." I said getting a bit mad. "well who is it??" he said back with a smirk, I knew he wouldn't stop pestering me till I told him.

"please just tell me." he said stepping closer to me. "c'mon, I won't tell em'." he said back, "yeah well I won't either," I said in a mumble. "okay, tell me," he said with a pleading tone, I was starting g to get really annoyed, I mean what does it matter if I told him? I wasn't staying. "you! ok, you." I almost yelled at him, but he didn't say anything back he just stared at me confused. I continued looking for food and throwing it in my bag. the sun was now setting and Daryl and I walked back to rick. he was loading their bags into his trunk when he saw us approaching. "did you guys find food?" he questioned. "yes, at least a few weeks' worth." I replied with a nod. Daryl threw our bags in the back and I got into the truck.

it was now dark and we were at least half an hour away from camp. "ye' really mean it?" he asked not taking his eyes off the road, I knew exactly what he was talking about. "yea," I sighed turning to look out the window into the pitch black. I leaned my head on the window and tried to close my eyes, but my head kept on bouncing off the window with every bump. "here." Daryl said pulling me down, so my head was resting on his lap. i relaxed as he wrapped a strong arm around my body, closing my eyes.

"kay, wake up." I heard a gruff voice say as my eyes opened, "we're here." Daryl said looking down at me, whose head still rested on his lap. I sat up and looked around to see us back at camp. "let's go unload all this stuff." he said opening his truck door. I opened my own stepped out and walked around to the trunk. he handed me my bag and then grabbed him, we walked over to the motorhome and set them in, I and Daryl then walked back to his tent, skipping super. I got in, took my weapons off, then plopped into my bed, not caring for my boots. "Someone's tried" Daryl joked slipping into his bed as well. I laughed a slight bit before falling asleep.

the bright sun shined threw the tent and I rubbed my sleep-filled eyes. I sat up and looked down at Daryl who was laying down half awake and half asleep. I smiled at the sight of him looking so peaceful. "mornin'" he grumbled slowly opening his eyes. "morning" I chuckled putting my boots on. "yer' leavin' already?" he asked as he looked down at me my dirty boots. "yes, I'm going to help Lori cook." I said standing up and walking to the tent flap. "ye' best take this" Daryl said handing me my bow along with my pack of arrows, I nodded taking it from him, and put the strap around my shoulder and the bowstring around my back.

I walked into the motorhome, where loir was, and began cooking up some squirrels I and Daryl had brought back. "so, you and Daryl hey?" he said breaking the awkward silence, only to make it more awkward. "oh, uhh no." I chuckled uncomfortably. "mhm." was all she said back. "I have some stuff to talk to rick about, if you don't mind could you finish up cooking?" she asked me, and I nodded back. "thank you, kaya." she said enring an "mhm" from me.

I soon finished cooking and brought it out to carol who had everything set up for breakfast. "here ya go, carol." I said handing her the food. "thank you dear." she smiled warmly. I noticed Daryl cleaning off some of his arrows and walked over to him, "hi, mind if I sit?" I asked him. "nope" he replied moving his crossbow out of the way. I sat next to Daryl helping him clean off a few arrows.

"ye' know how to shoot a crossbow?" he asked. "no, only my long bow," I said handing him his arrow. "I could teach ya'." turning to look at me "ain't got nothin' better ta' do" he continued. "i would love that" i said warmly

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