I'll be your only one (pt. 1)

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Renjun sat in his apartment, staring blankly at the photo of him and his fiancé on the coffee table. Yangyang walked in and saw the photo, his heart sinking.

"You're really going through with this, aren't you?" Yangyang asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

"I have to," Renjun replied, sounding defeated. "My parents have already made all the arrangements. I can't disappoint them."

"But what about your own happiness? You don't love her," Yangyang pointed out, frustration creeping into his tone.

"I know," Renjun said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I have to do what's expected of me."

Yangyang couldn't believe what he was hearing. Renjun was throwing away his chance at true love, all for the sake of obedience. He couldn't let it happen.

"Renjun, you don't have to do this," Yangyang said, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "We can leave together. We can start a new life somewhere else. Just the two of us."

Renjun looked up at Yangyang, his eyes full of sadness. "I can't," he said. "I can't leave my family and everything I know behind."

Yangyang knew that Renjun was too loyal to his family to ever consider such a drastic move. He had to come up with a different plan.

For the next few days, Yangyang worked tirelessly to devise a plan to stop the wedding. He knew that he had to be careful, as he didn't want to ruin Renjun's relationship with his parents.


The wedding day had arrived, and Renjun was getting ready in his tuxedo, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. As he waited at the altar, the guests began to arrive, but the bride was nowhere to be seen.

Renjun turned to the best man, "where is she? has anyone seen her?" he asked.

"I don't know, she's not here yet," the best man replied, looking just as confused.

As the minutes ticked by, the guests grew restless. Renjun was starting to feel a pit in his stomach, wondering what could have happened.

Just as Renjun was about to call off the wedding, Yangyang walked up to him. "Renjun, I have something to tell you," Yangyang said, his expression serious.

"What is it? Where is my bride?" Renjun asked, growing increasingly anxious.

"She's not coming," Yangyang said, pausing for a moment before continuing. "I found some dirt on her, and I demanded that she not show up to the wedding."

Renjun's heart sank. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You did what? How could you do this to me?" he exclaimed; his voice raised in anger.

"I did it because I love you," Yangyang said, his voice calm and steady. "I couldn't stand by and watch you marry someone you didn't love."

Renjun was furious with Yangyang, but as the guests began to leave the church, he realized that he had no other choice but to move on.

Renjun was about to leave when Yangyang intervened. "Where are you going, Renjun?" Renjun was perplexed. 

"I'm going to marry you regardless; I can't let you go now and give your parents a chance to marry you to someone else." Yangyang said as he drew Renjun in closer with his wrist. He wrapped his arms around Renjun's waist as he hit his chest due to the force.

As they left the church, Yangyang turned to Renjun and said, "I know you're upset with me, but please know that I did this because I love you. And I'll never let you go."

Renjun was taken aback by Yangyang's words. "What do you mean, you're going to marry me? I can't just marry you on a whim," Renjun said, his voice full of confusion and frustration.

"I'm not doing this on a whim," Yangyang replied, his voice firm. "I've been planning this for days. I made sure that the officiant was still here, and I've already placed a ring on your finger."

Renjun looked down at his hand and saw the ring, his mind racing. He couldn't believe what was happening.

"But why? Why would you do this to me?" Renjun asked, his voice shaking.

"Because I love you, Renjun. And I couldn't stand by and watch you marry someone else," Yangyang said, his eyes full of emotion. "I know this may not be the traditional way of getting married, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I'm not going to let anyone else stand in our way."

Before Renjun could realise what was going on, the officiant, who happened to be Yangyang's friend Lucas, says "I now declare you husband and wife? You can kiss the bride or groom in any case."

And before he knew it, Yangyang pressed his lips to Renjun's, kissing him deeply.

Renjun was taken aback by the suddenness of it all, but as Yangyang's lips moved against his, he found himself kissing back. His mind was racing, trying to process what was happening. He couldn't tell if it was anger he was feeling or something else, something deeper.

As their kiss deepened, Yangyang pulled Renjun even closer, their chests pressing together. Renjun could feel the heat radiating off of Yangyang's body, and he couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

He knew that he should be angry at Yangyang for betraying him and manipulating him, but as their kiss came to an end, all he could think about was how much he wanted to feel Yangyang's lips on his again. He realized that he was falling in love with Yangyang, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit of excitement mixed with his confusion.

As they parted, Yangyang looked into Renjun's eyes and said "I know this is sudden and you might be confused, but please know that I love you and I'll always be here for you."

Renjun nodded, still trying to process everything that had just happened. He knew that he had a lot to think about, but for now, all he could think about was how much he wanted to be in Yangyang's arms again.

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