I'll be your only one (pt. 2)

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Renjun and Yangyang left the church as husband and wife, Renjun couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He knew that his parents had left as soon as Yangyang had interrupted the wedding, and he was sure that they were furious with him. He couldn't help but worry that they would disown him, and he felt a pang of sadness at the thought of losing his family.

But as he looked over at Yangyang, he felt a sense of comfort. He knew that he had Yangyang by his side, and that thought gave him a sense of security.

"Don't worry about your parents," Yangyang said, sensing Renjun's distress. "I'll always be here for you, and we'll make a new family together."

Renjun couldn't help but feel a bit of warmth in his chest. He knew that Yangyang was right, and that he had to focus on the present and the future.

As they walked to their car, Yangyang turned to Renjun and said, "I have a surprise for you. I've already prepared a house for us, and for our future family."

Renjun's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You've already prepared a house for us?" he asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Yangyang nodded with a smile, "Yes, I wanted to make sure that we had a place to call our"

As Renjun and Yangyang arrived at their new home, Renjun couldn't help but be impressed. The house was spacious and had all the facilities that one could wish for. Renjun knew that Yangyang was loaded, and this is not surprising, but the house was beautiful and welcoming.

As they walked through the house, Yangyang turned to Renjun and said, "I know this might be a bit forward, but I would like it if we slept together tonight. But if you're not comfortable with that, you can use another room."

Renjun's heart skipped a beat at Yangyang's words. He knew that they were married now, but the thought of sleeping in the same room as Yangyang made him feel both nervous and excited.

Yangyang noticed Renjun's hesitation and added "Separate rooms might be better until you're sure, because otherwise, I might pounce on you the minute we step in our room. I have little self-control and you're just too tempting."

Renjun couldn't help but laugh at Yangyang's words. "You would kiss me like at the church and take my breath away literally?" he teased.

Yangyang's eyes went dark as he replied, "I would do more than kissing and you might not be able to walk later."

Renjun felt a shiver run down his spine at Yangyang's words, and he knew that he was in for a wild ride with his new husband.

Renjun couldn't help but feel a rush of desire at Yangyang's words. He had known Yangyang for years, but he had never thought of him in a romantic way before. Now, he found himself questioning if he had actually liked Yangyang all along and had just blocked it out because of his parents.

He couldn't help but wonder if it was possible for your thoughts about a person you've known for years to change after they somehow get you to marry them. Their dynamics had shifted greatly, and Renjun couldn't help but feel a little bit overwhelmed.

But as he looked at Yangyang, he realized that he didn't mind the change in dynamics. In fact, he would love it if Yangyang actually fucked him tonight. He was excited to see where this new chapter in their relationship would take them.

Perhaps it's the excitement in his blood, but Renjun decides to tease Yangyang against his better judgement. "But Yangie, we are married after all, it is only right that we share our first night together," he says with a sly yet innocent look, blinking up at him.

Yangyang's heart skipped a beat as he heard Renjun's words. He hesitantly asks "Are you serious Renjun? Do you really want to spend our first night together?"

Renjun nods and a shy smile spread across his face. "I've been thinking about it for a long time," he admits. "I know we have only just gotten married, but I can't help the way I feel. I want to be close to you Yangyang."

Before he knows it, Renjun is wrapped in Yangyang's arms and they are kissing passionately. When Yangyang nibbles on his lips, he moans, giving the other the opportunity to explore his mouth.




The next morning Renjun woke up feeling sore all over. Something felt wrong when he tried to turn over and that's when he realized what they did last night and how Yangyang's dick was still in him. The sight of the dick in him and the slight bulge in his tummy made him moan.


Renjun jumps in shock due to the sudden noise which only made the dick go deeper in him and his back arches.

"Oh I see, looking for some morning fun" Yangyang teases as he quickly gets up and hovers on top of him.

He couldn't believe the sight beneath him. Renjun all wrecked, red and pliant under him, moaning like last night was not enough. He gives a small thrust and watches as Renjun tries to squirm away.

"Y-yangi sensit-AHH

Yangyang didn't let him finish as he suddenly picked up Renjun and positioned him on his lap, dick still inside.

"Baby I warned you that it would be better to sleep in separate beds, did I not?"

With no response except moans from Renju, he thrusts hard as if to prove his point and whispers in his ears "Get used to this baby, looks like I love my new favorite alarm."




It's safe to say that Yangyang was right and Renjun couldn't walk the whole day, heck a whole week!

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