The Bunny Vampire - RenMin (pt. 1)

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Renjun couldn't believe his eyes when he found a cute bunny hopping around in the park. It was a rare sight in the city, and he couldn't resist approaching it. As he got closer, he noticed something unusual about the bunny – it had a strange glimmer in its eyes, and it seemed to be looking at him knowingly.

"Hey there, little guy," Renjun said, crouching down to get a better look at the adorable bunny. "Where did you come from?"

As he picked up the bunny, he noticed a few drops of blood on its pure white fluff. "Oh no, are you hurt?"

"I need to take you to the vet!"

Renjun quickly Googled the nearest vet and hurried there with the bunny in his arms. When he finally met the vet, the doctor examined the bunny carefully and said, "Don't worry, the bunny is not hurt at all. The blood must be from somewhere else, maybe it escaped from its home."

Relieved, Renjun smiled down at the bunny, which seemed to be looking at him with big, curious eyes. "Well, little guy, it looks like you're not injured after all."

As he held the bunny close, he couldn't help but find it cute. He decided to take it home for the time being until he could find its owner. Little did Renjun know that this encounter with the bunny would change his life forever.

At home, Renjun tried to feed the bunny some carrots and other veggies, but it didn't eat. He sighed in frustration, not sure what to do.

"Well, I guess you're not hungry," Renjun said, looking at the adorable bunny. "Do you want to sleep with me then? I don't have a bed for you yet, but we can figure something out."

Carrying the bunny in his arms, Renjun settled into his bed, holding the fluffy creature close to his chest. "You're such a cute fluffball," he whispered, feeling a strange warmth in his heart.

As he gave the bunny a gentle goodnight kiss on its tiny head, something miraculous happened. The bunny transformed into a human right in his arms. Renjun's eyes widened in amazement as he looked at the now human figure lying beside him.

Only it was not a human but a vampire.

"Who are you?" Renjun asked, feeling a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

The boy had a dangerous smile, "Oh finally, are you the one who removed my curse?"

Renjun was speechless, trying to comprehend what just happened. "C-curse? You were the bunny all along?"

"I was just trying to drink some blood, but I ended up biting a witch and she turned me into a bunny."

Now Renjun was even more shocked. "A v-v-vampire?!"

As Jaemin, the bunny-turned-vampire, reveled in Renjun's fear, he found himself captivated by the human's scent. The sound of Renjun's heart racing and the aroma of his blood flowing rapidly through his veins only heightened Jaemin's instincts as a vampire.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Jaemin said with a mischievous grin, his eyes glowing with a hint of crimson. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you... much."

Renjun gulped, his fear evident in his eyes, but he couldn't deny the strange attraction he felt towards Jaemin.

His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, torn between fear and fascination. He couldn't believe he was face to face with a vampire, but there was something about Jaemin's charm that drew him in.

"Is this real? Vampires exist?" Renjun stammered.

Jaemin chuckled softly, moving closer to Renjun, his lips almost brushing against the human's neck. "Oh, they do, and I can assure you, I'm very real."

As Jaemin's fangs grazed Renjun's skin, the human's heart raced even faster, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through his veins. 

Renjun gasped in both surprise and pleasure as Jaemin's fangs pierced his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. He could feel his warm blood being drawn into Jaemin's mouth, and strangely, it didn't hurt. Instead, a tingling sensation washed over him, and he felt an intimate connection with the vampire.

It was all very strange, yet intoxicating, and Renjun was helpless to do anything about it. His thoughts were fuzzy, and his vision was blurry as he lost himself in the sensations that filled him.

Slowly, the feeling turned into pleasure, and he couldn't stop moaning. He found himself pushing back against Jaemin, desperate for more contact. Jaemin's touch sent sparks through Renjun's body, making him crave for more.

Renjun wanted more of Jaemin.

He could feel himself getting turned on. He has never experienced such a feeling of want before.

Jaemin smirked, he could smell the other's lust. He experimentally thrusted, bringing friction between their clothed dicks.

"You like that?" he said with a smile, looking at Renjun, whose eyes were closed, mouth slightly parted as he panted softly.

Renjun was so embarrassed to hear Jaemin talking dirty to him, but at the same time, it only made him more aroused.

He could feel the vampire's erection pressing against him, and it was driving him crazy.

He couldn't stop himself from grinding back against Jaemin, needing the friction. "Please," Renjun whined, his body on fire with need. "I-I need more."

"Anything for you," Jaemin whispered in Renjun's ear, his voice low and seductive. He began grinding against Renjun, rubbing their dicks together through their pants.

Soon Renjun came in his pants with a loud moan.

"Oh, did baby boy cum already? But we're just getting started."

Renjun looked away, embarrassed by the situation.

Jaemin started grinding against him again, kissing his neck and collar in the process.

"A-ah, that feels so good," Renjun moaned, his hands coming up to grip Jaemin's arms for support. "I... I want more."

"Then you'll get more," Jaemin replied, his voice a husky whisper in Renjun's ear.


tbc? maybe haha

(◔◡◔) ♥ Renjun harem ♥حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن