✧. * 005. The Dementor ✧. *

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"My gosh! Dracy! He ran away from the litter. What are we ever going to do about you?"

THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS moved steadily north and the scenery outside the window became wilder and dark​er while the clouds overhead thickened

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THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS moved steadily north and the scenery outside the window became wilder and dark​er while the clouds overhead thickened. Peo​ple were chasing back​wards and forwards past the door of their com​part​ment. Crookshanks had now settled in an empty seat next to Llewelyn, his squashed face turned towards Ron, his yellow eyes on Ron's top pocket.

At one o'clock the plump witch with the food trolley ar​rived at the com​part​ment door. Aurora had been waiting for this moment ever since they got onto the train.

"D'you think we should wake him up?" Ron asked awk​ward​ly, nodding to​wards Pro​fes​sor Lupin.

"He looks like he could do with some food," Aurora said, standing up and walking over to the food trolley.

As Aurora did that, Hermione ap​proached Professor Lupin cau​tious​ly."Er – Pro​fes​sor?" she said. "Excuse me – Pro​fes​sor?" He didn't move.

"Don't wor​ry, dear," the witch said as she handed Har​ry and Aurora a large stack of caul​dron cakes. "If he's hun​gry when he wakes, I'll be upfront with the driver."

Aurora was about to pay for the food with the leftover money she stole from her brother when Harry said, "Don't worry about it. I'll pay."

Before she could protest, Harry paid for the food and sat back down with a grin. Aurora rolled her eyes at him but a little smile started on her face.

"I suppose he is asleep?" Ron said qui​et​ly, as the witch slid the com​part​ment door closed. "I mean – he hasn't died, has he?"

"No, no, he's breathing," Hermione whispered, taking the caul​dron cake Har​ry passed her.

Mid-​af​ter​noon, just as it had started to rain, blurring the rolling hills out​side the win​dow, they heard foot​steps in the cor​ri​dor again, and their three least favourite peo​ple ap​peared at the door: Dra​co Mal​foy, flanked by his cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gre​go​ry Goyle.

"Well, look who it is," Mal​foy said in his usu​al lazy drawl, pulling open the com​part​ment door. His eyes spotted Aurora who gave him a look. He ignored it.  "Pot​ty and the Weasel."

Crabbe and Goyle chuck​led trol​lish​ly.

"I heard your fa​ther fi​nal​ly got his hands on some gold this summer, Weasley," Mal​foy said. "Did your mother die of shock?"

Ron stood up so quick​ly he knocked Crook​shanks' bas​ket to the floor. Pro​fes​sor Lupin gave a snort.

"Who's that?" Mal​foy said tak​ing an au​to​mat​ic step back​wards as he spot​ted Lupin.

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