Something went wrong//Angst-fluff//

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Hello hello i have arrived with an update, in this onshot Rei and Kazuki have slight feelings but to know more you'll have to read the story. meheh, im still not sure who is going to be the bottom so let me know which way yall would like it to be, Also if you didnt already know () are unspoken thoughts. I will be using a song reference bc i cant make up lyrics for the life of me. its rises the moon go listen to it, its amazing !!!!!!ALSO THIS CHAPTER MIGHT BE TRIGGERING TO ALOT OF PEOPLE!!!!!!!


Rei's POV:

(Where is he? He didnt mention running late today, maybe a mission is taking longer than expected?) I thought as i put Miri to sleep. I sit on the couch in the living room looking at the time pass by. 00:04 i then look at the messages Kazuki had sent to me before.


Kazuki: Hey Rei, ive got an important mission that came in pretty last minute.. Could you put Miri to sleep for me?

Rei: What about dinner? Im hungry.

Kazuki: I knew you would say that so i made some Katsudon and left it in the fridge for both of you. And you can HEAT IT UP in the MICROWAVE. IT ISNT THAT DIFFICULT, IS IT?

Rei: Sounds like to much work..

Kazuki: Starving is always an option yk?

Rei: Oh shut it

Kazuki: Well i gotta hurry now see you.

Rei: Bye.

Messages end-

(I wonder what hes up to right now. Maybe hes with a woman right now.. He cant be. Right.? Wait why would i even care? Nvm) Many thoughts kept rushing through my mind as i look at the time again. 00:29, "Only 25 minutes have passed? Where is he.?" I mumbled as i heard the sound of someone opening the door trying to be quiet. My eyes widden as i saw who it was. (It was Kazuki but he was unconsious? He had scars on him aswell. Theres a taller guy carrying him. Who is he?.) Thoughts came rushing through my mind. "What happended to him? And who are you?" I ask standing up walking towards the man ready to attack him with the spare gun i had in my sweathers pocket The man looked at me smirking. I could feel my chest getting tighter thinking of the worst possible thing that man could have done to Kazuki. "Is he your man, you little slut?" He lifted Kazuki up right as he was waking up. "What.? Where am i? Rei is that you.?" He wobbled in the mans hand then realizing the situation he was in. He grabbed his jacket trying not to get chocked to death by the way the man was holding him up like a dog. "I asked you a question." The man said rasing his voice, throwing Kazuki to the floor. I run to Kazuki to make sure he was alright. Kazuki snickered under his breaths getting himself to sit up. Right when Kazuki was about to open his mouth i stopped him. "What if i said i was?" I question the man placing a hand on Kazukis shouldier crouching down next to him. "Rei what are you doing?!" Kazuki whispered as quietly as he could not looking away from the man. "Shut it and we are going to have a little chat when this is over." I whisper back sounding as mad as physically possible. I can feel Kazuki shivering next to me. "What does it even matter to you? Do you have any business with him?" I spoke trying to make him clear that he isnt welcome in this apartment. "I do actually, but it doesnt matter right now. Ill leave." The man spoke, turned around and left. i sigh picking Kazuki up bridal style and carrying him to the couch. I put him down trying not to hurt his injuries further. I go grab the medkit and begin cleaning his wounds. "So, you gonna tell me what that was all about?" I then ask clearly mad. "It isnt that big of a deal, i can handle it dont worry!" Kazuki smiled rubbing the back of his neck. "Are you being serious right now? First you dont inform me how late your coming home, you didnt even tell me where i could find you. And when you finally get home your unconsious, being dragged around by another man covered in cuts, bruises and blood. To top it all of the first thing that guy asked was weather or not i was your 'man' And the called you a slut.. How do you think ill react?!" I say raising my voice a little ending the sentance. "Im sorry, but its really fine! Im absolutely fine!! No need to worry about me" Kazuki anwsered clearly knowing he wouldnt get away with such an obvious lie. "ARE YOU A MORON?!" I finally raise my voice making sure it isnt so loud that Miri would wake up. Kazuki faced his head down quite shocked since i never raise my voice. "Fine you win. Ill talk" Kazuki finally admitted. "Talk" I said at my limit of punching him in the face. Kazuki looked back up at me. "Well i met someone i knew a long time ago on a mission today. It was my ex boyfriend actually.. And well he saw me shoot my target on the mission i was sent on. And well, after the mission.. My ex found me getting away from the crowd and  he got his guard to grab me from getting away. And then i came up with a lie telling him i found someone new. And well since i used to have awful ways of coping then shit happend. Im already over that though. Well anyway after i told him i found someone he wanted proof and well his guard knocked me out he ended up getting the address somehow and the guard brought me back here. Thats all" Kazuki flinched because i didnt even realize i had gripped the bandadge around his arm to tightly. I was so shocked i didnt know what to say. "What did he do to you?" I ask with a hint of jealousy in my tone. Kazuki looked away avoiding eye contact, he sighed a small tears forming in his eyes. "He beat me up and.." He stopped for a second to compose himself then continuing "raped me" When Kazuki finished talking i sat closer to him wrapping my arms around him letting him cry until he was finished. I began rubbing circles on his back letting him lay down and keep my arms wrapped around him holding him close. I start humming small melodies i rub my hand on his head letting him cry out everything he had held back. We stayed there laying for a full hour or two untill Kazuki had fallen asleep.

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