A strange dream//Fluff-Comedy//

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Enjoy the story lol


Miri's POV:

While papa Kazuki was packing my bag for preschool i was downstairs brushing my teeth with Papa Rei. Once we had finished we both walked upstairs to my room where Papa Kazuki had just finished packing my bags. "Goodnight Papas!" I lay down on my bed and papa Kazuki tucked me in. "Goodnight Miri" They both said in synch walking out of the room. Rei turned off the light, i closed my eyes thinking about what amazing things we maybe doing tomorrow at preschool. After a few minutes of thinking and picturing it all play out in my head i began hearing strange creaking sounds from papa Kazukis room. I hope he doesnt make papa Rei's back hurt by playing tickle monster to much with him. Atleast thats how papa Kazuki explained the noises and papa Rei's backpain he had in the mornings sometimes. I kept thinking and thinking opening my eyes which slowly got heavy by the seconds. My eyes closed shut and my mind wondering off to the land of dreams.

I woke up in a small cottage house, sitting up i looked around the room and saw papa Kazuki dressed up in a red hoodie while filling a basket with bread, jam, fruits, berries and some candies. "Miri im going to Kyu's place! Ill be back in a little while okay?" Kazuki smiled carrying the basket with one of his hands and waving at me with the other. I waved back at him in a daze. "IS THIS LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD? WOAHHH SO EXITING!!" Screaming slightly i jumped up from the bed running towards the dresser. I took a pair of jeans and a sweather from the dresser then closing it and dashing out of the door. I catched up to papa Kazuki making sure to hide behind bushes to not let him see me. Kazuki kept walking and walking never losing track of the road. As Kazuki approached Kyu's place soon a brown haired woman sneaked out from a bush behind Kazuki walking up to him while wearing a grey dress and grey wolf ears. (ITS MOM!!) my eyes sparkled seeing mom approach. Kazuki looked behind him and saw Miris mother. "Can i help you?" Kazuki stopped walking, he questioned the womans walking up to him. Miris mother didnt seem alarmed, she walked up to Kazuki and finally spoke "Hello, i was sent here by Kyutaro to let you know he wanted you to pick some flowers for him, on your way to him house." The brown haired woman eyed the flowers next to the road. Kazuki had a look of confusion on his face but he agreed to go pick the flowers. While he was picking the flowers Miris mother had sneaked away and ran to Kyu's place while Kazuki was still unknowingly picking flowers. Once he finished the blonde looked around but couldnt find the female anywhere. He sat up and continued walking towards Kyu's place. Miri followed steadily behind not letting Kazuki leave his sight for even a minute. 

Meanwhile Miris mother had made it to Kyu's house and knocked on the door. "Hello miss, can i help you?" Kyutaro opended the door letting Miris mom inside. Bfore Kyu could say anything else Miris mother had swallowed him whole. And dressed herself up as Kyutaro. She binded her chest put on some jeans, t-shirt, glasses and a short grey haired wig. She climbed into the bed and began waiting for the blonde males arrival. Once Kazuki had made it to Kyu's place Miri not far behind, "Kyu im here!!" He spoke letting himself in through the door. Miris mother who was currently dressed up as Kyu laying in bed spoke. "Kazuki could you come over here?" 'Kyutaro' spoke letting out a cough. Kazuki rushed over and took out some bread and jam, putting together a sandwich. The 'grey' haired 'male' took it with please out of Kazukis hands munching on it. 'Kyutaro' finished his sandwich and took a closer look at Kazuki who was currently peeling an orange for the latter. "Kazuki please come closer to me." 'kyutaro asked, which to Kazuki obliged and got closer. 'Kyutaro continued. "Come closer, closer, closer, now back off a little, pefrect." 'Kyu spoke then oppening his mouth and swallowing Kazuki whole in an instant. I was stunned. (Why would mom even do such a thing?!) Thoughts came rushing through my mind. I saw that my own mother had swallowed Kyu and papa Kazuki, why? why? why?. Just as i started to question everything i heard someone dash in through the door. It was none other than Rei! Why was he wearing an alpaca fur-suit? No idea. Rei ran and took ahold of Miri's mother holding her down. He smacked her head and she fell unconsious, Kazuki sliced open her full stomach and helped Kazuki and Kyu out. I  rushed out from a counter that i was hiding behind and hugged Kazuki's and Rei's legs. They both smiled and Kazuki gave alpaca Rei a peck on the lips before suddenly.

I sat up from my bed looked at the alarm clock ringing next to me. I pressed the top of it, making it stop. I stood up and walked downstairs to find papa Kazuki making breakfast and Rei laying on the couch looking like he was in pain. I walked up to papa Rei with a confused look. "Papa Rei, are you feeling alright?" I questioned the corners of my lips cruving downwards. "Im fine Miri, my back just hurts." Rei spoke, making a thumbs up with one of his hands. 

(Hm i wonder if Papa Rei's Back really hurts because of him and papa Kazuki playing to much tickle monster, or could they be doing something else?) I wondered  touching my chin with one of my fingers. Deep in thought Kazuki then called out to me. "Miri come eat!! Were having cereal for breakfast today!!". My face lit up and i rushed over to the table, picked up my spoon and began eating. (Guess whatever they might have been doing doesnt really matter aslong as their both happy)



This ones a little short story i came up with so yk. Also istg to all the people who have left nice comments and havent fought about wether i should make Rei or Kazuki a bottom i am truly grateful to you and i hope my stories make you happy<3 -Sobbing Machine 2.0

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