Night out//SMUTT//!!!

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I promised to a person that i would write Rei bottom smut so here it is! Hah

lol enjoy


Third persons POV:

time: 18.23-06:23pm

"KYU WERE HEADING OUT!" Kazuki yelled to Kyu who was drawing with Miri in the living room. "I CAN HEAR PERFECTLY FINE YK?!" Kyu turned his head towards Kazuki and Rei who were already heading out the door. Kyu rolled his eyes back to Miri "Woah Miri-chan! Your really good at this!!" He smiled looking at the picture infront of him. Miri smiled brightly and took a sip of the milkshake that Kyu had made her.

/Back with the gays/

Kazuki and Rei were making their way towards a restaurant thats where Kazuki had booked them a nice meal. The two hitmen were casually chatting about stuff like, their missions, Miri and so on. They made it to the restaurant and they both sat down. Kazuki picked up his menuu and saw that Rei also had an adults menuu which he was looking very uncomfortably at. Kazuki sighed then ringed the bell on their table to call over a waiter. The waiter arrived and bowed lightly. "Hello sir, are you ready to order?" The waiter asked looking at Kazuki. "No, not yet. I wanted to ask if we could have a kids menuu?" Kazuki shot a glance at Rei who was still struggling with the adult one. The waiter understood the situation and spoke. "Ofcourse, ill be back shortly" Kazuki nodded and the waiter left. The waiter came back just a few minutes later and gave Kazuki the childrens menuu. "Thank you" Kazuki smiled and bowed lightly at the waiter. "No problem sir, let me know when your ready to order" The waiter bowed back, then left. "Hey Rei!" Kazuki called him out while Rei slowly looked up from the adult menuu his face looking confused. "The adult menuu's to tricky for you right?" He handed Rei the childrens menuu and Rei's face calmed down in an instant. Kazuki giggled and got back to looking at the menuu. Rei took a look at the menuu then instantly put in down the next second. "Have you decided already Rei?" Kazuki questioned also putting down the menuu himself. Rei nodded "Im getting the fries with octopus sausages." Rei's wasnt smiling but his eyes were glowing proudly. Kazuki let out a laugh and spoke. "Im getting the Katsudon, i heard they make it really well here." Rei snickered. Kazuki then called the waiter over once again, when the waiter arrived they took the menus and asked "And what will you both be having?" The waiter smiled holding the menus while also holding a small notebook along with a pen. /Waiter got skills kay?/ 

Kazuki smiled brightly and spoke "Ill have your katsudon and he'll have fries with the octopus sausages please."  Kazuki finished speaking and the waiter nodded writing everything down. "And what will you be having to drink?" The waiter continued. "Hm ill have a bottle of red wine and he'll have a apple juice." When Kazuki finished the waiter looked a little confused bc it didnt really seem like there were two adult that they were serving but more a child and an adult but they didnt mind. "And would you like anything else?" The waiter continued after snapping out of their thoughts. "Could we get takoyaki aswell?" Rei spoke in a low tone. The waiter was a little suprised. (Oh! He speaks) The waiter then smiled and wrote it down. "Anything else?" They asked one last time before Kazuki told them no and the waiter went to leave. "Okay ill be back with your food in about 10-20 minutes." The waiter walked off. (They have such a cute couple dynamic! How lucky) 

Kazuki and Rei continued talking about random things. Until the waiter walked to their table with Rei's food in hand. They placed Rei's food infront of him and spoke "Here you go sir, ill bring over your food in a second." The waiter smiled at Kazuki "No its okay take your time" Kazuki smiled, the waiter bowed and walked off. Kazuki was suprised that Rei still hadnt touched his food Kazuki looked confused "Hey Rei, Why arent you eating ?" Kazuki asked Rei looked away from Kazuki his face going a light red. "Well this is a date so i dont wanna be rude.." Rei mumbled placing his hand behind his neck. Kazuki was a little suprised at the anwser but he couldnt be for long since the waiter had arrived with his food, Kazuki just gave Rei a soft smile and thanked the waiter for bringing his food. "Enjoy your food and let me know if you need anything" Kazuki and Rei nodded. The waiter then walked off with a smile on their face. Rei then immediately started eating his fries. Kazuki let out a laugh and began eating his own food aswell. After a little while of eating kazuki decided to ask "Rei how are you liking your food so far?" Right when Kazuki finished asking Rei began nodding his eyes sparkling. (This is my chance!!) Kazuki was about to take something out of his pocked but decided that it wasnt the right time yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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