Valentines day date

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"Are you sure? Because after Val..." "Oh I'm sure shadow~" knuckles smiled as they walked out of the restaurant. "Let's walk through the park and let our food digest more before we drive home" Shadow suggested. "Fair enough it's a beautiful night" knuckles smiled. The two smiled enjoying the semi cold night walk with the full moon lighting the park. They soon returned home and relax on their bed. "So I was thinking about what we talked about with kids situation last month..... do you still want kids?" Shadow asked. "Well yeah Shadz I do but what about.... Oh wait I was talking to Val" knuckles said. "Knuckles I think we should adopt or surrogate...... because maybe we can raise our own to learn to love who they are no matter how others see them. If they ask us about our families we point to our friends because they been more like family to us than our own parents." Shadow smiled. "You're right you don't need blood to be family." Knuckles agreed. "Let's have kids" shadow smiled and knuckles nods then they kiss excitedly leading them into a blissful night.

"Best Valentine's Day ever"


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