My End

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*Heavy alcohol use*

Hawks POV

My eyes fly open, the room is bright, it's nearly blinding. I look around and I see tubes coming out of my body, I hear beeping to my left. I'm in the hospital. Slowly my memories return.

"Touya...." I feel tears run down my face.

What have I done, I finally get my Touya back and now he hates me. I failed my mission.... I ruined everything.

My door opens and Endeavour walks in. I sit up, wincing as I do.

"Hawks." Endeavour speaks.

I look down at my hands.

"I'm sorry... I failed..." I say.

Endeavour sighs and sits in the chair next to my bed.

"You didn't fail... You got us valuable info and we even managed to capture a few of the villains." He says.

"You captured some?" I ask.

"Yeah, Toga and.... Touya..." He says, getting quieter.

"... Is he okay...?" I ask.

"Why do you care about him? He's a villain, he's a horrible person." Endeavour asks.

"You don't know what I know..." I say.

"What don't I know?"

"They aren't bad people.... Just... Hurt..." I say.

"Hurt? What do you mean?" He asks.

"They... They all have their stories, they shared them with me when I joined the league. Each one different but they have one thing in common. It was a hero that made them that way..." I say.

"A hero? Nonsense." Endeavour spits.

"It's true! Heroes either neglected them, beat them, or made them suffer some how. That's why they hate heroes." I say.

"I don't believe this." Endeavour stands.

"You know I'm right! You hurt Touya and now he wants revenge." I say.

"What..? How do you know about that?" Endeavour turns to me and glares.

"... Touya... He told me..."

"That boy is a liar!" Endeavour yells, making me flinch.

Endeavour sighs.

"I'm sorry..." I say.

"It doesn't matter. He is a villain and he will be dealt with accordingly." Endeavour says.

"Uhm... Can... Can I see him...?" I ask.

"Why do you want to do that?"

"I just thought... Maybe I could get some info out of him or something...." I say.

"Fine, once you're out of the hospital you can come with me to see him."

"Okay.. thank you." I say.

Endeavour leaves me alone in the room with my thoughts. Soon a doctor comes in and checks my vitals.

"Would you like something to eat?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"You need to eat something, I'll get you something anyways." She says and leaves.

She comes back in with food and a clip board. She hands me the food and reads through some papers. I pick at my food, not wanting to eat.

"So you were burnt pretty bad during the fight, we tried all we could but sadly we could not save your wings... There's a small chance they will still grow back but you will never be able to fly again. I'm sorry." The doctor tells me.

I drop my fork, I hear it clatter against the plate.

"What..." I say.

"I'm very sorry Hawks, but there's nothing we can do..." She says.

"No..." I grip the sheets as I feel tears start to fall.

The doctor bows and leaves me.

My wings.... They're gone, I'll never be able to fly again. The feeling of being in the air, the freedom... I'll never feel that again...

-Time Skip-

I finally get to leave the hospital, I still have bandages wrapped around my ribs and my head. I walk outside I see Endeavour waiting for me. I walk over to him.

"Hi..." I say blankly.

"Get in, we're going to see Touya."

I nod and get in the passenger side of his car. He drives us to the jail and we get out. I stare at this large brooding building. I look ahead of me and Endeavour is waiting at the door. I follow him in and he takes me down a long hallway.

I can hear beeping and people struggling and yelling. We get to a door and he holds it open for me. I walk into a white room with two chairs and glass cutting the room in half.

On the other side of the glass sits Touya as he struggles to break free of his chains. I stand in front of the glass, watching in horror. The calm rational loving person I knew was gone, replaced with an angry hateful man.

"Touya..." I say.

He stops struggling and looks up at me.

"Traitor..." He spits.

"I'm so sorry..." I say.

"YOU'RE A TRAITOR!" He screams, jolting forward but being held back by his chains.

My eyes widen. Any trace of Touya is gone.

"This is not him... He's not Touya..." I say, backing up from the glass.

"This is how they really are." Endeavour says.

"No it isn't! My Touya is calm and collected and loyal and he's so sweet! This isn't my Touya!" I say as I run out of the room.

I run down the hall and burst through the doors. I run down the street, not knowing where I am. I find a run down apartment complex and break into one of the rooms.

I stand in the dark as tears flow down my face. My Touya is gone... I have nothing left. I wander around the apartment and look through the cabinets. Soon I find a large bottle of whiskey, I take it out and chug a large amount of it.

I sit on the floor of the kitchen, leaning against the cabinets. I sit there and drink until I pass out onto the floor.

This is rly sad and it's going to be that way for another chapter or so, sorry
I hope you liked it tho😊

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