~ Chapter 3 ~

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It had been three days since the accident, and I was finally feeling fully recovered. As I made my way to college, the familiar sights and sounds of campus life greeted me, filling me with a sense of normalcy.

The college grounds were bustling with activity, students hurrying to their classes and chatting animatedly with friends. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a warm glow over everything it touched.

I met up with Lexi outside the main building, her cheerful demeanor as always amaze me. We exchanged smiles and headed inside, ready to tackle another day of lectures and assignments.

Lexi and Brian are my childhood friends. Lexi is the fiery one, with her short hair and no-nonsense attitude. Brian, on the other hand, is the charmer, always with a smirk on his face and a flirtatious remark on his lips. We three of them are inseperable.

Later in the afternoon...

The hallways were alive with the sound of laughter and conversation, the air smelled with the scent of coffee from the nearby café. We made our way to the cafeteria, eager to grab a bite to eat before our final class. The aroma of food wafted through the air, instantly making my stomach growl in anticipation.

Lexi, Brian, and I grabbed trays and joined the queue, scanning the options laid out before us. Lexi's eyes gleamed as she piled her plate high with her favorite dishes, her excitement palpable.

After grabbing our food we found a table and settled in, where Lexi took a seat beside me and Brain sat infront of us.

And again my thoughts moving to the one person who haven't left my brain since the accident.

Lexi nudged me, breaking through my reverie. "Rosy, you're awfully quiet today. Everything okay?"

I forced a smile, nodding. "Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess."

Brian grinned, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Well, snap out of it! We've got a party to prepare for!"

Lexi's eyes lit up at the mention of the party. "That's right! Sam's grand party at Antonio's club! It's going to be epic!"

I smiled at their enthusiasm, grateful for their cheerful energy. "Yeah, it sounds like it's going to be a blast."

Lexi leaned in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, Rosy, any luck finding a date for tonight?"

I shook my head, chuckling softly. "Not yet. But who needs a date when I've got you two as my wingmen?"

Brian grinned, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Ah, but imagine the jealousy on everyone's faces when they see you walk in with the most handsome guy at the party," he teased, earning a playful shove from Lexi.

"Stop it, Brian! You're embarrassing her," Lexi scolded, though a playful glint lingered in her eyes.

I laughed along with them, grateful for their lighthearted banter. Despite the lingering worries in the back of my mind, their presence brought a sense of comfort and happiness to my day.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of excitement at the prospect. The party was the talk of the town, promising free shots and non-stop entertainment. It was the perfect opportunity to let loose and forget about my worries, if only for one night.

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