~ Chapter 1 ~

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Hello there, I thought to change my story a little bit. No worries the story will be the same but as I've mentioned that Rosy is bubbly and innocent to the mafia world. I don't want her to know that Nikkolo is a Mafia king yet. I'm changing it and rewriting my story once again. I hope it will give you some clarity.


Rosy's POV:-

The morning sun peeked through my curtains, casting a warm glow across my bedroom. With a groan, I reached out to silence the beeping sound of my alarm clock, where its annoying buzz jolting me awake. Rubbing my eyes I sat up in bed, stretching out my limbs and yawning widely. Mornings have never been my favorite. I'm a night person. Sue me, nights are fun!

I got out of my bed and went to washroom to do my morning routine. After taking a quick shower I slipped into my favorite outfit, a navy blue skirt paired with a crisp white shirt. I couldn't help but admire my reflection in the mirror, my grey eyes shining brightly. My brown blonde hair cascaded in loose waves around my shoulders, framing my face in a soft glow. As I was satisfied with my look, I went downstairs.

Descending the stairs of my modest apartment, I found my mother, Zara Mathew, her gentle humming filling the room. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of pancakes, a comforting embrace that welcomed me into the day. With a smile, I greeted her, the warmth of her presence soothing my restless spirit.

"Morning, Mom!" I chirped, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Good Morning, Sweetheart", she replied, her eyes crinkling at the corners with affection.

"Breakfast is almost ready. Sit down and I'll serve you and your brothers."

My younger brothers, Mason and Jason were in their usual morning fighting mode, bickering over who gets the last pancake. Ah, siblings, they never fail to keep life interesting.

I greeted them both and planted kisses to each of their cheeks. They made an 'eww' faces. I laughed at their pouted faces.

After a hearty breakfast, I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door with my brothers. I dropped my brothers off to school and I set out to college. Little that I know, the day has other plans for me.

Today I'm having my English assignment and I don't want to miss my assignment class. People call me nerd because I always score A's in every subject and I always maintain them in that manner. Anyways, my graduation is within one week. After graduation is completed, there is a party conducted by some rich guy named Sam, where he invited each and every graduated students to the famous club in New York, Antonio Club.

As I was on my way in the busy streets of New York, I was humming a tune under my breath and was lost in thoughts. I stopped near the red signal, patiently waiting for it to turn green.

Suddenly, without warning, the peace moment shattered as a defraning crash echoed through the street. The sound of twisting metal and shattering glass pierced the air, followed by my screams of panic and confusion. My heart leaped into my throat as the car lurched forward, propelled by the impact of the collision.

Through the chaos, I caught glimpses of terrified faces and frantic movements as people were running everywhere. Gunshots are heard in the distance, adding to the sense of impending danger. Instinctively, I ducked down in my seat, my heart pounding in my chest as the adrenaline surged through my veins.

I felt a sharp pain shoot through my head as something heavy struck me forcefully. A wave of dizziness washed over me, and as I reached up to touch the source of the pain, feeling a warm stickiness seeping through my fingers. Blood.

Through the haze of the pain and confusion, I realized that I had sustained a head injury, my vision swimming as I struggled to stay conscious. Nausea churned in my stomach, and I fought to keep from succumbing to the darkness which is threatening to engulf me.

Despite the pain and daze, I clung to consciousness, my determination to survive overriding the instinct to surrender to unconsciousness. With each passing moment, the world around me blurred and shifted, sounds becoming distant echoes as I wobbled back and forth on the edge of consciousness.

Suddenly I felt a strong pair of arms enveloping me, pulling me from under the seat and carrying me to their car. I found myself locked in a mesmerizing gaze with the stranger who had come to my aid. His piercing blue eyes, like shards of ice, seemed to hold me captive, our intensity cutting through the chaos of the moment. He was freaking Handsome.

Those eyes, so striking in their color and clarity, bore into mine with an unwavering focus, as if searching the depths of my soul for answers. They held a depth of emotion that I couldn't quite decipher, a mixture of concern and determination maybe? His gaze has sent a shiver down my spine.

But it wasn't just his eyes that captivated me. His features were chiseled and angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline that spoke of strength and resilience. His blonde hair, tousled and windswept, framed his face in a way that accentuated his rugged good looks.

Despite the urgency of the situation, there was a calmness to his demeanor, a quiet confidence that reassured me. He has an aura of authority, a silent command that made it clear he was someone to be reckoned with.

As my consciousness began to slip away, the last thing I saw before succumbing to unconsciousness was the stranger's face, etched with determination and resolve, his piercing blue eyes burning bright with an intensity that seemed to pierce straight through my soul.

Then everything went blank.

Total Words : 1001

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