~ Chapter 12 ~

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Rosy POV :-

After explaining the whole story to Kara the room was silent. For a whole long moment it was only silence. Kara kept her hands interwined on her lap and was in deep thoughts and I also didn't want to talk after explaining this long story and kept my mouth shut and enjoyed the silence in the room. After a long time of silence Kara looked at me with a serious expression.

"You should know Rosy that once you enter into this cruel world there is only one way to escape from this world. Death."

I sucked into a deep breath understanding the circumstances and the risks I'm going to be in. I know when I met Nikkolo for the first time I thought he was some cruel Businessman but not this cruel though.

"What do you mean by me entering into this world?" I asked her. What did she mean by that? I'm not going to be any part of this Mafia world, no way! I just randomly met Nikkolo and he just helped me in both situations which was during the accident and another one he saved me from this auction. That's it. I know I cannot control my feelings towards him when I'm near or around him, but I cannot cross the boundaries. This is wrong. I have to stop this whatever Nikkolo and I are having.

"You see Rosy people who get to know about this Mafia people or especially the leader, they are gonna be either working for them or else they are dead." Dread filled me when she said the exact opposite words which I don't want to hear.

"So...you are telling me that I cannot escape this Mafia? Nikkolo didn't even tell me about his identity clearly. So, atleast after this I can only hope that I can be free right?" I asked with a little hope in me. Kara shook her head.

"You should know that Nikkolo is just being good to you doesn't mean that he will let you go Rosy. He will-"

"What is going on here?" an unfamiliar voice behind me.

Kara and I both looked behind us and I saw a man who is of at the same height as Nikkolo but a two inches smaller I guess. He has caramel eyes and his brown blonde hair was neatly covered with gel.

"Carlos, meet my best friend Rosy. Rosy, he is my boyfriend and also another one of my Childhood friend." Kara explains to me. I gave him a small smile.

"Nice to meet you, Carlos." I said with a confident voice.

"Hmm, I can say why Nikkolo risked his mission for her." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Wait, Am I missing something? " Kara asked Carlos.

He shooked his head and when he was to about to say something Nikkolo entered the room with a serious face.

"We have to get out of here and go home. It's not safe here as Dominic father is a leader of Snake Vipers, we are in his territory." He explains to us.

"Rosy, I need to talk to you for a minute." He said

When he asked me to stay, I looked towards Kara and when I locked my eyes with her, I could see the sympathy she was giving me with her look and mouthed me 'Don't worry, I am outside.' I nodded towards her and when they both left leaving only me and Nikkolo alone in the room.

"Rosy, I wanted to talk about something important so it might take some time." He said in a serious tone. I nodded at him to continue.

"As you can see that Dominic is with me and his father is a dangerous man who has connections to various dangerous people and also I have hurt him because of you. He will come for you and your family, he cannot lay a hand on me but he will go to any level for his only son that he might kidnap you or kill your family until he kills you or use you as a leverage for his son towards me and I don't want that." He explained and when he completes I just look at him with a blank face.

What is left for me to feel safe? Even though I wanted to escape I can't because those men will follow me and my family. I won't and will not risk my family.

"What do you want me to do?" I whispered to him.

"I know this situation is a little bit difficult for you but you have to stay with me, in my home and I will send a few of my men to protect your family without anyone knowing." As soon he completes his sentence I give a look of disbelief towards him.

"I will not stay in your house Nikkolo and Iam sure there is another solution for this situation. I cannot live without seeing my family, especially if they are in danger right now because of me." I said in a frustrated and defeated tone.

It has been 3 to 4 days that I haven't seen my family? Oh god, what my mom will be thinking right now that I've been missing. Tears are flowing like a damn river and I cannot control it when I think about my brothers and my mom.

"I'm sorry to say but there is no other way than to keep you low for a few days and when I think of a solution I will tell you. Until then you have to stay away from your family and it is safe for them if you are not with them right now." He explains me and I stood up from the couch and go near him. I want to hurt someone and I wanted anyone to feel my pain inside me and I took it on the only person present here, Nikkolo. I know it doesn't justify my selfishness but what can I do? I just couldn't bear my emotions right now and did what I wanted to do, blow my anger towards him.

"Why are you helping me Nikkolo, people know you as a ruthless person and you never gave a shit towards others and why are you helping me? What do you even gain from helping me or are you gonna use me as your slave huh?" I asked him raising my voice and his jaw tightened at the words I used towards him.

He took my arms and pushed me against the nearest wall. I gasped by the sudden movement and when I saw him, he was angry, so much that he was breathing heavily where his breathing was fanning my face.

"Even though I just shown you my good side doesn't mean that I will be good with you, Rosy. You are just a stranger to me. Think of it as a weak moment that I shown you my good side. Whereas the reason I saved your ass is because of my bestfriend, Kara. Don't even think that I'm having anything towards you." He said by gritting his teeth so hard that I guess they might be broken by that much intensity.

It hurts, so much that when I thought something was there between us but he made it more tough by hurting me with his words and I hated him twice more. But I cannot show him my weakness. So, I looked at him with a raised chin and looked into his eyes.

"Thank you for saving me and also providing protection to my family. I'm really glad that you are showing me some kindness. But remember one thing Nikkolo nothing will be going on between us and don't ever try to touch me again." By saying that I kept my hands on his chest and pushed him away from me.

I saw regret in his eyes just for a moment and the moment was gone and he replaced his emotion with a stone face.

"Fine. You are not even my type." He said with a mocking tone and left me.

"And yeah, we are going to leave within ten minutes." With that he left me.

I strolled down the wall and hugged my knees and kept my head on my knees and cried. I'm scared, for my family, and myself. I cried because of Nikkolo's words hurt me. I cried because my fate has turned into something danger from the moment I met him. How would have been if I didn't go to that stupid party and I would have stayed with my family nicely having funny moments with them. I miss my mom's jokes and I admit that I also miss my brothers tantrums and fights. I miss their pranks on me. Thinking about those happy moments made me smile a little bit. I wiped my tears and was ready to face this cruel world. I hope I will escape from this cruel world as soon as possible.

I can do it.


Poor Rosy, what do you guys think what will happen in the next chapter? Do comment and tell me.

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