Team Flash Meets Top Gun Part 1(Flash, Top Gun & Top Gun Maverick)

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Order of Photos go Top Gun 1986, Top Gun: Maverick, The Flash and The Navy SEAL Singh(DC Universe).

Background: The 86 Squadron and the Dagger Squadron meet Team Flash and the Cops of CCPD, when Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell goes missing in Central City. 3 Star Admiral and US Pacific Fleet Commander Tom Iceman Kazansky, gets mad when the cops and Team Flash wont help find his Wingman and Husband. So Iceman gets his friends and his Husband Mavericks Squadron to help get them to find Maverick.


Iris & Barry(Engaged)

Rob & David Singh(Married)

Iceman & Maverick(Married)

Goose & Carole Bradshaw(Married)

Merlin & Slider(Married)

Rooster & Hangman(Married)


POV: Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell

Im in my F-18 when I lost contact with my team. I cant call Hondo my third best friend or Iceman my husband because I dont have my phone. A few minutes after I lost contact my Jet got hit by a bird strake. I was lucky and got out of the Jet, before I got badly hurt. I dont know where Im, but I do see a Military base and I walk up to it and go in.

Once Im in the base, I get a bag over my head, and brought into an integration room. I dont know why, but I just hope my friends and family can find me.

POV: 3 Star Admiral and US Pacific Fleet Commander Tom Iceman Kazansky

Im on the base today, when I get a call from Hondo on my personal phone.

Hey Hondo, how is Mav doing? I asked

Ice, it is bad we lost contact over two hours ago and a few minutes he went down. We dont know where, but we are trying to find him. said Hondo, and I fell to the ground where Im at.

Chief Warrant Officer 4 Coleman, we tracked Captain Mitchells Jet. He is in a place called Central City, Missouri. We can have a Rescue Copter go get him. said a different guy

No, Im going to go, but first Im going to get his husband and their family. said Hondo

Coleman, it is Lillyana, Admiral Kazansky, said his throat is making it hard for him because he has been in meetings all day. said Lilly as I signed

Okay I will be there soon. Get our little family together. said Hondo, as Lilly and I got up and went to find our family. Hondo also hung up so that he could get on the Rescue Copter.

Once we find Slider, Merlin, Goose, Carole, Wolfman, Hollywood, Chipper, Sundown, Rooster, Hangman, Bob, Fritz, Coyote, Payback, Halo, Yale, Fanboy, Harvard, Phoenix and Omaha, we all get to the Rescue Copter. Once we are there Anna my other Assistant comes up to us and gets on too. I can see Slider trying to calm down Merlin and Carole doing the same to Goose, because both of them were and are his RIOs when he sits in a two-seater. Also Lilly is trying to calm down Hondo, who is one of Mavericks best friends, I think he is the third one.

POV: 3 Star Admiral Ron Slider Kerner

We are on a Rescue Copter to go to Central City, Missouri, Im trying to calm down Merlin my Husband. After the training flight accident that put Goose in a coma for three years Merlin became his RIO. So the two boys are close, I can see Carole doing the same for Goose, because those two have been through a lot together. Lilly is trying to calm Hondo down, who is Maverick's third best friend. While we are on the way there I feel Fritz and Coyote come and sit by me and Merlin. Merlin and I kind of became their Navy Dads and we love it.

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