Iceman's and Maverick's Wedding Part 1

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Okay so this apart of the first two one-shots Team Flash Meets Top Gun Part 3(Flash, Top Gun & Top Gun Maverick) but it has a different name, because the Flash isn't in it anymore. The only one who is still in it is Tristan Milo LC Müller-Singh.

Last time on this story: The 86 and Dagger Squadrons, plus their family get ready for the IceMav wedding. Slider says he and Merlin are going to kill Iceman in Romanian after his Goddaughter makes a comment.

Now on the story:

POV: Luke Kazansky(Ices Brother)

Tom walks up with our Mom and Бабушка(Grandma), as he did Petes Groomsmen come out and so does two people I dont know. We then get older to go up. It is funny because Ron, Nick, and Sam are walking up at the same time. While Sara, Bennie, and Tristan are walking up together, Sarah gets one on each side. While Nick is the one who has Ron on one side and Sam on the other side. It then goes Bradly, Jake and me Jake is in the middle, Rick, Lilly and Leonard with Lilly in the middle, Charles and Marcus, Anna and Cougar. The last to come up were CC and Alec, they must have fallen asleep because Coyote was carrying her and Fritz was carrying Alec. Javy(Coyote) had the Flower girl basket in his hand too, while Billy(Fritz) had the Ring Bearer pillow in his hand. Once they got closer we could see that they were asleep.

We then got on with the wedding and Бабушка(Grandma) had made sure that she was in between Billy and Javy. That she could help the boys with Alec and CC. Once it got to the Vows, Sarah, Lilly, Anna, Paul and I forgot to look over them to make sure they didnt say anything that would scare everyone for life. As Tom was saying his vows we all looked at each other.

POV: Commander Mike Viper Metcalf

After Jester and I walked up Maverick, I went to the Podium to start the wedding. When we got to the vows, Icemans siblings and Assistants looked at each other. Then they looked scared and I thought I guess I will find out later why.

Captain Peter Duke Maverick Mitchell, why dont you go first. I said

Thomas Konstantin Iceman Kazansky, when I first met in the classroom, and you smiled at me, I thought you were cute. Then after Goose introduced us, my first thought was man your really are fucking cute. Then Goose made me do a bet that I could get laid that day. I was really hoping that he would say a male so I can do you, but no Goose said it has to be a female. There were only a few that knew I was Bi, Goose, Cougar, Carole, Bradley, Viper and one of my friends from the Adcmany. I never told anyone else, Slider found out when he heard Goose and me talking to Merlin and Cougar, and the Tall Shit goes tell you. Im just glad that he ran off before Goose yelled, you really do like Kazansky. Merlin and Cougar were yelling at Goose, so thats why Viper came over and he talked to Goose. He said this and Im quoting him all the way, sorry Goose Carole will know what made you so scared the rest of the day.

He had said, Lieutenant Nicholas Andrew Bradshaw, if you are out my Godson, just know that I already have a RIO in mind that I know wont do that. He would be Mavericks new RIO and he will just be his new best friend. While you are just a guy that helps him out. Also if I hear you talking about Iceman and Maverick being together, before they just know that I will always be on the side of my Friend Duke Mitchells son and my Godsons side not yours. Oh and if you want to know who it will be replacing you all Im saying you know him. Goose, then says Oh My Taco, its going to be Slider. Fuck, I wont say again, then runs off and I gave Viper a high-five, saying thanks Uncle Vip. Then the next day in class, you and Slider were asking why Viper kept staring at Goose and Goose looked scared. I said because Goose outed one of my friends who was in the Navy. You never looked more confused and cute when Viper laughed out loud and rolled his eyes. Before he patted my back and messed with my hair.

That week on Goose, finally got over it, but then the training flight accident that put Goose in a coma for three years happened. You never left my side, I wanted to punch you. I remember Slider making a comment about you like me and I think I passed out, after our Mission. When I woke you, Slider, Merlin, Viper, Carole, Bradley and somehow Cougar were all there. I dont know if they ever told you why I passed out, but it happened after he kissed me on my check. If Goose saw that he would never let it down. Someone told Carole because she never let it down.

Then two years later you asked me out. I was at the park when I ran into Viper and you. Viper looked so mad and wanted to punch you. Until I told that you asked me out, he let you go and you ran up to me hiding behind me. I wanted so badly to kiss you right there, but it was close to the base and there were other Military personnel there. So when you took me to your Truck and got in, I jumped in and onto your lap. That was the best day of my life, well after my Godson was born. I love spending time with you and the Sex is so great. My favorite is the ones we never told anyone, not even Slider, Goose and Merlin. Not even Tristan and Hondo know about those. said Maverick as he was done with his vows and crying. Everyone was laughing and I had to hold in my laugh about the time I scared Goose, that made my day.

POV: Lieutenant Commander Rick Jester Heathery

After Maverick was done everyone was laughing.

Admiral Thomas Konstantin Iceman Kazansky, your turn, said Viper

Peter Duke Maverick Mitchell, I was confused when you kept staring at me. My first thought was wow, this kid is weird and crazy. Slider said that if I smiled at you, you would smile back. Im not good at emotions, but Slider helped me with some of it. The day that he came into our room the week that Viper had scared Goose, was the day that Slider had said that you know someone who is Bi. I thought he was talking about you, I then said that I found you cute. I was going to ask you out the next day after class, but when I saw Goose so scared I got scared. Then Viper patted your back and messed with your hair after he laughed out loud and rolled his eyes, I couldnt do it. Then the training flight accident that put Goose in a coma for three years happened, Slider, Sarah, Luke, Paul, Бабушка(Grandma), and Mom, told the best way to be there for someone is to let them know that you are there for them. They are also the only ones that knew I was Gay, so they said that I could get you to like me.

When we went on the Mission and Merlin was your RIO, you were so happy. I thought that you two were dating and I got upset. Merlin, came up to and said if you break his heart, Cougar, Viper, Goose if the Cretin(Idiot) and the Bradshaws will hurt you. He then goes on to say that you are like his little brother and I would be Cretin(Idiot) Which I didnt and still dont know what that means. Not to ask you out, after we said the thing about being Wingman, I kissed you on your check and you passed out. I have never been so scared, then Carole and Bradley came in with Viper and Cougar, because Merlin, Slider and I were already in your room.

I love you so much. My favorite Memory of us together was the day Goose woke up from the coma and we just got out of the jet on the ground. Anyways, Merlin, Cougar, Slider, Hollywood, Wolfman, Sundown and Chipper came running up to us and we heard that Goose was up. Merlin and Cougar, at the same time said, you the first thing Goose asked us was. While I was in Coma please tell me that Slider wasn't Mav RIO. I remember Wolfman saying that the two of them said yes. Once we got to the Sick Bay, Goose looked right at you and you laughed. I had to hold you so you didnt fall over, I then kissed you. You then looked at Goose and said, Yes Honey, Sundown was my fucking RIO and man he was good. I then got Merlin and we went on a Mission right after Graduation. Slider, then got Ice..Man to kiss me on the check and I passed out. The look on Goose's face was funny. I'm so glad you taught Bradley to take photos on Gooses camera, because I still have the photo of his face when he pulled you away from me.

Im so glad that I get to call you my Wingman, Partner and Husband. You always make me not as Ice cold, also I love watching and hearing about how you piss off Admiral Cain. It is always fun to see his face when you do something stupid. My least favorite ones were when you were in Iran twice, because you and Hondo kept talking to a guy and I wanted to find out more about him. The one thing is you never told me his name. I do the Sex with you because of all the good ideas you can come up with. The jets were fun, but the one that wasnt was when Slider only talked to me in Romanian for two months. That time was the best day ever even though I never knew what Slider was saying, well after my Godson was born. said Iceman crying and laughing, everyone was laughing too, while Sarah, Luke, Paul, Lilly and Anna were shaking their heads but still laughing. While Slider and Merlin were laughing but also looked like they could kill Maverick and Iceman, but they did. Well not at this time.

Part 2 coming soon!

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