chapter 4

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The party is going smoothly as y/n is moving around in a slight hurry and concern. While at the same time. Wolf and his friends are back to their original plan of stealing the golden dolphin.

Though it's going a bit slower than normal as the guests treated them with praise which felt nice. The chief of police seemed to be the only one on the lookout for the bad guy's plan.

Though she doesn't notice snake opening her briefcase to get the code.

"Okay, Wolf, what are you up to? (Looking through binoculars) Yeah, with criminals like this, you got to be crafty, subtle, and invisible. And then the moment they let their guard down...

At that moment she hit her briefcase just as snake was searching inside with his tail slamming it shut and pinching him as he bites his body to quiet his screams.


"Where would he..." Y/n says in a thinking state


"Ahh! (Jumps)"

Y/n turns around to see Diane.

"Jumpy are we?"

"H-hey Diane, I'm just a little on edge."

Diane tilted her head with a smirk. "You avoiding me? You really afraid of that dance?"

Y/n laughs sarcastically "afraid And avoiding you In the same sentence? Clearly, I've been looking for you to ask but couldn't find you till now."

Diane crossed her arms with a flirtatious gaze "Yeah? You of all people have trouble finding me? Not buying it"

Y/n laughs slightly "alright, just a little on edge I guess."

"Ah yeah well. (Playfully dusts off his suit) let's just get rid of that." She says with a smile.

Y/n chuckles as he points at her and himself. "This. I miss this between us."

Diane giggled before sighing " I'm sorry y/n"

"Sorry? What do you have to apologize for?"

"I didn't really react when you came back, did I? I guess I was still kinda just processing it, then you changed the subject so quick I kinda forgot that ever happen." She says with a little smile though kinda unable to make eye contact with him.

"Diane, that's not something you gotta apologize for and I didn't need you to gush over me. Though I would find it adorable if I got to see it at least once."

Diane sighed with a smile as she ran her hand through her ears. "It's pretty weird to be fussing over that I guess. (She looks up at him) I'm just really glad you're back"

Y/n smiles. "Glad to be back."

Back with Snake just having his tail pinched, he is a little woozy from the pain. As the chief grabbed his neck thinking it was her glass.

Snake then mimics the martini glass. As the gang, all notice this and run towards her then stop realizing that it will get them caught.

She smirks noticing them and thinking they're scared of her ends up grabbing Snake's tongue and stirring it. Still not noticing that it wasn't her martini glass.

She goes for a drink as they all panic. Piranha saves them by abruptly yelling into the mic turning into singing shortly after catching everyone's attention.

Diane and y/n noticed from the other side of the party.

"What are they doing?" Y/n says seeing shark jump on stage with piranha they start singing, they up the atmosphere of the party. As piranha winks at wolf as he saved their plan.

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