chapter 5

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Wolf and his friends have been on a ride on a prison boat to an island prison. Looking up at the prison wolf sighs as the dark clouds, wind and crashing waves made it even more ominous.

Once the boats dock they are escorted inside.

"I can't believe we got double-crossed
by a tiny rodent." Shark says

"Oh, we got double-crossed by a rodent all right, but, uh, not a tiny one." Snake says eyeballing wolf as he's taken to the counter

"What?" shark asked

"This was supposed to be us conning Marmalade. It turns out it was Wolf conning us."

Snake retches as the cops force him to cough up all his tools "Does that sound familiar to you, Wolf?"

Why-why would you think that?

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you just sabotaged the biggest heist of our lives. I think you owe us an explanation, buddy."

Snake says while stretching his body to stay in wolf's face till the guard pulls him away

Okay. You're right. This is what happened. Back in the museum, I just tried to steal an old lady's purse."
Wolf Smiles as his mugshot was taken "Classic snatch and grab."

"Tried to? Since when do you try to steal something and not just steal it? Tarantula says after getting her prints marked.

"I was trying to steal the purse when the old lady fell and...(clears throat) I kind of helped her. "

"What?" Snake says as his mugshot is taken and making a weird face

"I kind of helped her."

"But then you stole her purse." Says piranha as he gets his picture taken and getting a bad one as well

"(chuckling) No, I didn't. I saved the old lady, and she hugged me, and my tail wagged, and I didn't know what it was, but it felt, uh, you know... good."

They all get put into their own prison uniform as Shark, Tarantula and Piranha gasp

"Ah.But then you stole the purse."

"(Others) No!" They all tell at piranha

"You know, I heard what the pig said to you about cutting us loose." Snake said

"Wait. Like, "us" us?" Shark asked looking at wolf and snake

"But I never thought you'd actually do it, man."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. I-I would never... I was trying to... I was trying to find us a better life."

"Our life was perfect until you decided to ruin it."

"I didn't. You guys felt it at the gala. The clapping, the cheering. We were more than... than just scary villains. They loved us."

"Oh, yeah? If they loved us so much, how come we're in prison for a crime we didn't commit?"

"That was before they saw that stupid display we put for the plan. We would have been fine. Probably maybe"

"Yeah well, You know what? I'll give Marmalade this. At least he sees the world for what it is: a place where some people are scary and some people are scared."

"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm tired of being scary. i'm-I'm tired of being an outcast. Maybe I don't want to be a..."

"What? A Bad Guy? Don't want to be a Bad Guy anymore, huh? Say it, Wolf. Yeah, I thought so. And us, your lifelong friends? We're just holding you back?"

THE BAD GUYS (Diane Foxington X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now