Chapter four

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Shut up My Moms Calling by Hotel Ugly


Those words had left Chaeyoung's lips swiftly. She had never said Mina's name so randomly, her name was always used when trying to seduce her or when she was being pleasured by Mina. Chaeyoung would sometimes say that name to her self just because she believed it was a pretty name.

A pretty name for a pretty girl.

"Hey" Mina breathed out. She looked just as confused as Chaeyoung. "I wasn't expecting to see you here"

Chaeyoung wanted to ask why.
She wanted to know that if she knew Chaeyoung was coming, would Mina have ended up making out with another girl in the bathroom?

"Yeah. Me neither" Chaeyoung's voice carried some sort of bitterness as she lightly scoffed reaching for her pocket being able to sense her pack of cigarettes.

The girl wanted to go outside for a smoke but she also wanted to keep the conversation going. She wanted to hear more of Mina's regular tone. Chaeyoung wandered what her story telling voice was like. If her eyebrows moved as she expressed more emotion when she spoke.

"I'm going outside to smoke" Chaeyoung announced hoping Mina would want to come along. "It was nice seeing you again" she smiled beginning to turn her heel.

"Wait" Mina's hands were fists at her sides. "Can i come with you?"

A sparkle appeared in Chaeyoung's eyes. "Sure"

The two girls went to the front instead of the back. There was nobody else out there except for people walking in and out. Chaeyoung leaned against the porch's railing and lit a cigarette. Immediately after that, Mina joined her lighting the cigarette Chaeyoung had offered to her.

"Sucks that you walked in like that" Mina tried to make a joke.

Chaeyoung failed at offering her fake laughter. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to interrupt"

Mina didn't feel bad or at least she pretended like she didn't as she shrugged and smoked.

"I wasn't going to have sex with her" she said after a long moment of silence.

Chaeyoung didn't know how to respond to that. It was out of the blue, but it also made her smile. Even though she was a bit bothered by the thought of it, she was somewhat relieved Mina wanted her to know that information.

"That's nice" Chaeyoung laughed in confusion "But I'm glad you didn't, I guess"

They looked at each other and everything went quiet for just a second. For a single second, Chaeyoung has caught a glimpse of something in Mina's brown orbs. Something that looked like yearning. But as she looked away, the light no longer lit up her eyes.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Mina confidently leaned closer to Chaeyoung. "Drive around, smoke.."

If Chaeyoung were to be delusional about her, she couldn't be blamed for it. Not when Mina smiled like that, not when her voice held power over her. Not when she could spend time with her getting to know about little quirks. Chaeyoung really wanted to get close to Mina.


They walked to Mina's car and waited inside for a few moments. It felt like awkward silence, only unspeakable words lingered in the air. Mina's hands played with her jacket as she looked in the rear view mirror. Chaeyoung had noticed her silence and also just how amused she suddenly became looking at the mirror.

"Oh my god they are fighting" Mina whispered as if wanting that to only be heard by herself. "Look"

Chaeyoung looked at the mirror but all she saw was an empty street. She leaned in a little closer, towards Mina and faintly could see figures moving in and out of frame. Mina sighed and pulled Chaeyoung by the arm closer to her. The girl could feel how close their cheeks were, touching just so slightly.

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