Chapter 13

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"Slut!" Taylor Swift

It was the last day of the school week and Chaeyoung couldn't have been happier it was over. Well, mostly because she was going to spend the weekend celebrating her 18th birthday. Chaeyoung had been dying to be an adult for years, she was tired of needing to rely on people to get her the things she wanted. And today was the last day she would ever have to live as minor illegally smoking weed.

She sat through her first two classes anticipating her upcoming off block. There was nothing she loved more than smoking with her two best friends. Especially after restlessly thinking about Mina. Chaeyoung needed her mind to log off for a few hours.

Today, Chaeyoung drove her friends to a the nearby pond. She had packed her bowl and bud that morning just for them to enjoy on the late August day. The air was still carrying a light temperature comfortable enough to have the choice to wear a sweater or to not. As they walked, they continued to discuss what kind of her bottles they wanted to purchase for tomorrow night.

Nayeon had offered and mildly forced Chaeyoung to let her buy the bottles and cans of alcoholic beverages for the night. Not only that, but Nayeon would provide flower for their closer circle of friends to ensure everyone has a good time. She loved providing for her friends with her free money, Nayeon was anything but greedy.

"I can definitely buy a good amount of 1800's" Yunjin said to her. "Unless you want like straight up tequila? Whiskey? Some pink Whitney?" She joked about the last part. 

Chaeyoung groaned. "Never ever mention pink Whitney to me. Worst hang over of my life"

"Best night of your life" Chaewon added recalling the graduation party during July. "You were turnt up all night"

As fun as it was to recall, Chaeyoung could barely catch glimpses of that one night. She had ended up downtown with a whole new group of people with a joint in her hand when she came back to clarity. Every single person that night had been a college student and Chaeyoung had slept with one. As much of a crime as it was, Chaeyoung didn't have any regrets and didn't view it as one.

Chaeyoung swayed the topic to the side taking her grinder out and breaking up a nugget before placing it inside. Her friends waited all sitting on the bench as she grinded and then continued to pack the bowl. They were all eager to get high.

During lunch, they headed back to school just to arrive and leave following behind Keeho's car. They were headed towards the nearest boba place.

"Dinner where?" Jihyo asked Chaeyoung.

"Im not sure yet" the girl responded. "I might have to take care of my little brothers?"

"Bring them!" Nayeon encouraged. "I want to meet the twins"

Keeho added. "Yeah, it's no big deal"

"I'll see" Chaeyoung smiled at them. She felt relieved.

During stats, she spent the time re searching colleges she wanted to go to. It wasn't time to apply yet but she needed to be at least some what prepared for when the time came. So instead of paying attention, she wore her headphones and focused on coming up with a list to present to her counselor by the upcoming week. Chaeyoung knew she'd get by through college like the average person, it didn't bother her too much.

Immediately after the bell rang, Chaeyoung was off to meet up with her friends and ask them about college. To that, they frowned and asked to not be asked about it until they absolutely had to think about it.

At home, Chaeyoung called her mother who confirmed she was in charge of her bothers for the night. After that, she looked for a nearby restaurant her brothers would also like. One that wasn't too expensive but nice enough to accommodate her friends. She finally decided on a pizza parlor downtown that also served beverages and BBQ. It also had an arcade inside which would be perfect for the twins.

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