Chapter 7

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Love between by Kali Uchis

Mina drove them both to her home located out of the city, in a secluded area built for those who wanted to own lacres of land. Chaeyoung's hands were both on the wheel and her eyes squinted as she looked at the road before her. The alcohol was in her system and she wouldn't let herself crash her car. But even if she were to do that, the passenger was someone with enough money to cover it all.

"Wow" Chaeyoung gaped stepping out of the car. "You live in a mansion"

"It is not that big either" Mina laughed shutting her door behind her. "See, rich people can be humble"

The girl rolled her eyes making sure Mina would see, "Is today your first time bartending?"

They walked up the driveway together both of them easily losing balance.

"Yes, actually" Mina stated. "Hopefully you can tip me well enough"

"I don't have that type of money" Chaeyoung stopped behind Mina who was now unlocking one of the two tall doors.

"That's okay" Mina said pushing the door open. "I accept other forms of payment too."


Chaeyoung took time to look around the room after the lights were switched on. She spotted the couch they had been on last time and the fireplace as well. Instead of taking Chaeyoung upstairs as the girl had expected, Mina led her further in past the living room through the hallway which parted the staircases.

"It's in the basement" Mina said opening a door.

Chaeyoung peered in taking note of the stairs looking different from what she expected. They were polished and instead of having walls surrounding them, they had railings leading them down a few steps then creating a curve.

"You're going to kidnap me, aren't you?" Chaeyoung looked up at Mina.

"Absolutely. Go on" she signaled for her to go first.

The girl naively did as she was told knowing there truly was no harm, well hoping. As soon as she entered the basement, she spotted white tile floors and windows nearly as high up as the walls. There where blinds on them and Chaeyoung nested to know what type of view Mina gets from her basement. There was a lot of spacious on each side of the stairs. And leading to the living room, where the huge glass windows were, was a big screen Tv and an expensive looking couch.

Words had left her mind as she looked around at the big room. The amount of furniture on both sides yet so lunch space. Everything looked neatly put together. Chaeyoung was needless to say; impressed. And the fact that she was high did not help her case. Not only was there a pool table, but also and ping pong table. It looked like an entire different building.

"Are you serious?" Chaeyoung looked back at Mina who was standing behind her with arms crossed and a cocky smirk on her face.

"So fucking serious" her top row of teeth was rebeales as she bit back an even wider smile. "The bar is to your right"

The girl walked towards a counter that had been hidden by the stairs. As she looked at the rest of it, she realized that the counter extended in an obtuse angle. There was so much counter space and stools.  Behind it, two fridges, bottles on the shelf and cabinets. There was a sink as well with a detachable head.

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