The Adventure

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Gem's Perspective-

"At least tell me where you're going."

"fWhip, I've told you I'll be fine." Gem said, sinching up the bag to the dragon's saddle.

"Please, Gem." fWhip grabbed his twin sister's hand.

Gem smiled sincerely at her twin and hugged him.

"I love you brother." She said, a tear running down her face.

"Write to me when you get there." fWhip said, breaking apart from the hug.

"I promise." Gem said before getting up on her dragon.

She kissed her brother goodbye and flew off.

fWhip waved to her and Gem glided into the night.


Gem yawned. It had been hours since she left but she was determined to stay awake.

I'm not going to land until I reach the town.

Gem had found a town on a map and wanted to expand her magic training.

Crystal Cliffs Academy had just opened, and she wanted some students.

Just then, there was a flash of light.

Gem did a double take and saw the light of a village.

She smiled and landed.

Not a second went by after she landed when she heard someone yell,


She jumped and grabbed her wand, but she was too late.

Someone splashed a potion on her and she felt loopy and sleepy before collapsing onto the ground, completely unconscious.

Hours Later-

              Gem groaned as she woke up.

She blinked a couple of times to help her eyes get used to the brightness, or really, the dimness.

She gasped and realized that she was in a dungeon and her hands were tied to the wall.

Gem tugged her hands, trying to get free, but after a minute of trying that, she felt weak and slumped down.

Why am I so tired?

She then tried to knock her wand out of her pocket before realizing that her wand was tied up outside of the cell.

Her bag was also tied up and all that was inside of it was taken out.

Potions and books were scattered along the shelf that the bag was on.

Gem tried to remember what happened, but she couldn't.

She sighed and tried again to get free.

"So, you're stuck here too."

Gem gasped at the sudden voice.

"W-who's there!" She demanded.

"No need to fret, I'm stuck in the cell right next to yours. Saw them bring you in and disarm you. They also splashed a potion of weakness on you." The voice explained, "I'm Oli. Oli the bard. I came to this town to perform for them but they knocked me out and locked me up. I've been here for months."

"Aren't- aren't people looking for you?" Gem asked.

"Nope." Oli said, clicking his tongue, "But that's okay. It's not all that bad in here. The guard of the dungeon is nice. He lets me outside sometimes, I'm still tied up, but at least I get some fresh air and know what season it is."

Gem started to get nervous but before she could say anything Oli hissed,


Gem, confused, quickly understood why.

Two more voices entered the dungeon and Gem went limp, acting asleep.

"Is she up yet?!" One booming voice demanded.

Gem could feel someone's eyes on her, and she didn't move.

"N-no sir." One shaky voice responded.

"Bard! Has she woken up at all?!"

"No." Oli said simply.


"Sir." Oli said, and Gem was sure he rolled his eyes.

"Tom! Stay down here and watch the bard. I have a feeling our little wizard friend did wake up."

The booming voice then left, slamming the door behind him.

Oli sighed and the scared voice said, "Has-has she woken up?"

"Yeah." Oli said after a moment of hesitation.

"Wow." The voice said breathlessly, "A wizard. I hope she could help us out with our problems."

"I don't know. But I have a feeling that as soon as she gets freedom, she'll run." Oli said simply.

Gem felt guilt rise on her, but she couldn't help but worry about her brother.

Last night was probably the last time she could hug him.

Look I know Oli isn't in season 1 but it works. Also the reactor didn't blow up so this takes place after Crystal Cliffs Academy is created and after Lizzie goes there. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and let me know if you think I should continue with it!

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