A living Disney Princess movie

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The next afternoon, Lorelei and Mirabela rode the limousine to the college to pick up the twins.

"Ah, Holly, Calvin, how was your morning?" Lorelei asked.

"Good, Mom," Calvin replied.

"Just fine, Mother," Holly chimed in.

"Okay, off to the mall for lunch," Lorele said.

The family rode through the city to mall. Along the way, Mirabela saw how beautiful the city was. It was sure different than Bahía de Rosa.

"Enjoying the city, are we, Mira?" Calvin asked.

"Never seen an actual city before?" Holly asked flatly.

"Not since my mother was alive," Mirabela replied. "My parents and I went on a family trip to Bogotá when I was five."

"What's Bogotá?" Calvin asked.

"The national capital city of Colombia," Mirabela replied. "It was really big and beautiful, and while I'm still getting used to the big city, Heartlake City has plenty to offer."

"Well, let me tell you something, dear," Lorelei smiled. "We go on a traditional family trip to Los Angeles for Labor Day. If you think Heartlake City is good enough, wait until you see what Los Angeles has to offer."

"Yeah, you're sure to love it," Calvin agreed.

Mirabela had no idea what to think. She'd spent the last 11 years limited to everything Bahía de Rosa had to offer. Now that she was living in the United States with a stepfamily, there was more to offer. Mirabela was never bored with her hometown, but she always wondered what life had in store. On the other hand, Holly was dismayed at having to share the family tradition with Mirabela. The trip used to be just for her and her mother and brother—and now that she had a stepfather and stepsister, she had to share the trip with them from now on. Holly didn't understand why it had to be this way.

Lorelei and the kids met up with Ramiro at the mall food court, just like they did yesterday, and they told him about the Labor Day weekend trip to Los Angeles.

"Los Angeles for the Labor Day weekend?" Ramiro asked. "Well, that's really something. What do you think, nena?"

"It'll be different, but it's sure to be good," Mirabela replied.

"Once you see Los Angeles for yourself, you'll be glad you went," Lorelei smiled.

Meanwhile, River was in the mall, showing off his biceps and getting lots of attention from girls. "Yes, ladies, check out these guns," he smirked.

"Wow, River, you're a serious chick magnet," Clyde gaped.

"I know," River boasted.

"No girl in town would ever refuse to look at you," Horace said.

"It's true, Clyde and Horace, and I've got my sight set on that one," River said, pointing in the distance.

Clyde and Horace turned to see that River was pointing to...

"Mirabela Flores?" Horace gasped.

"She's the one, the lucky girl I'm going to marry," River claimed.

"But of all the girls in Heartlake City, why her?" Clyde asked.

"Because she's the most beautiful girl in town, and that makes her the best—and everyone knows I deserve the best," River claimed. "Right from the moment when I met Mirabela, I saw how gorgeous she was, and that's when I fell in love. Here in Heartlake City, there's only she is beautiful as I, so I'm making plans to marry her. I want her life to be perfect, and the only #1 way to do that is if she marries me."

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