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The next afternoon, after lunch, Mirabela's and Pedro's families joined them at Artsy Wonderland, wanting to help them with this problem.

"It was nice of your boss to come with us to get this done, Pablo," Pedro told his brother.

"Hey, nothing is more important to me than my hermanito's safety, and I refuse to stand for anyone threatening him or his fiancée," Pablo said.

"I can't believe someone would want to burn down the store because Mirabela refused to marry a real-life Gaston, especially because she barely even knows him," Lucia sniffed.

"Wouldn't be the first time I had to arrest someone for a violent threat," Ramiro spoke up.

"No, when I was a junior, Papi had to arrest a brute who brought a gun to school," Mirabela recalled.

"Yikes," Lorelei cringed.

In no time, the group made it to Artsy Wonderland, where Mr. Jackson was waiting.

"Hello, folks," Mr. Jackson said. "Mirabela, here's a second letter." He handed the letter to Mirabela, who read it out loud:

Dear Mirabela,

The clock is ticking. You are getting closer to having Artsy Wonderland burned down because you're still engaged to Pedro when you're supposed to marry River Riverson. I'm waiting...



"Oye, R.R. almost signed with their actual name," Mirabela gaped. She handed the letter to her father, who read it carefully.

"Es verdad," Ramiro confirmed. "They crossed out the name, Riv, then wrote R.R."

"Riv?" Calvin gaped. "Then the criminal has to be River!"

"We'd better keep a sharp eye out for anything suspicious," Mr. Jackson said.

"Especially because after the next letter, they're sure to burn down the store," Mirabela said.

"Tienes razón, jacaranda," Pedro agreed.

"I'll take this to the police station," Ramiro said.

"Well, we should get working, but keep an eye out," Mr. Jackson said.

"Miraboo, should anyone ever find anything suspicious, let me know," Ramiro said.

"Okay, Papi," Mirabela agreed.

"See you later, Mira," Holly said.

"Hasta luego," Mirabela waved.

Mirabela and Pedro stayed behind to work, and their families left them alone. Holly was so worried about her sister and future brother-in-law that she didn't want to go shopping today.

After Mirabela arrived home from work, she and her siblings decided to spend time together by painting pictures in the art studio. Calvin was painting a picture of Martians. Holly was painting a picture having to do with Swan Lake. Mirabela was painting a picture of jacaranda trees in front of a marigold sunset.

"I love your painting, Mirabela," Holly smiled.

"Gracias," Mirabela smiled.

Holly noticed that there was a white outline of a person in the painting. "Is that a ghost?" she asked.

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