Meant to Be

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Finally, it was May 22, 2015, and today was Mirabela and Pedro's wedding day—and it was on this day in 1992 that Ramiro and Lydia had gotten married, which made today extra special.

It was almost time for the wedding. The church was packed with workers from Artsy Wonderland and the police station. The bride and groom even invited friends from Bahía de Rosa. Even Clyde and Horace were invited. Holly and Lucia were dressed in jacaranda purple bridesmaid dresses, and Calvin and Pablo were dressed in groomsman tuxedos in the same colors.

It was time for the wedding to start, and everyone was excited. First, each bridesmaid and groomsman walked down the aisle arm in arm. Then the Stepmother of the Bride and the Father of the Groom walked down arm in arm. After that the groom came with his mother. Finally, it was time for the big moment. Everyone stood up and turned around, and they all gasped—right there in the entrance was the bride, who had her black hair in a bun with a silver rhinestone tiara. She also had opera gloves, silver hoop earrings, and her mother's locket, of course.

"It's now or never, mija," Ramiro smiled.

"Okay," Mirabela smiled back.

As the classic "Here Comes the Bride" played, the bride walked down the aisle arm in arm with her father. Pedro couldn't take his eyes off Mirabela. They were moments away from being husband and wife. In no time, the bride made it to the altar. Ramiro and Pedro shook hands, and then Ramiro put his daughter's hand in Pedro's.

"Buenas tardes—we are gathered here today to bind Mirabela Flores to Pedro Espinosa in joyous betrothal," Reverend Sanchez smiled. "Should anyone have a reason why these two lovebirds shouldn't be together forever, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Mirabela held in her breath, hoping River didn't crash the wedding. When nobody spoke, she breathed out, to everyone's amusement.

"The rings please?" Reverend Sanchez chuckled.

Pablo stepped forward and handed the bride and groom the rings.

"Con este anillo, te desposo," Pedro smiled, slipping a rang into Mirabela's finger.

"Con este anillo, te desposo," Mirabela smiled, slipping the other ring onto Pedro's finger.

"Do you, Pedro Espinosa, take Mirabela to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Reverend Sanchez asked.

"Claro que sí," Pedro smiled.

"And do you, Mirabela Flores, take Pedro to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Reverend Sanchez asked.

"Claro que sí," Mirabela smiled.

"By the power vested in me by the state of California, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife—you may kiss the bride," Reverend Sanchez smiled.

Mirabela and Pedro shared a kiss, and that was when everyone clapped and cheered. Now Mirabela and Pedro were married, and their lives were completely perfect.

After that, so many wonderful things happened. When Holly caught Mirabela's bouquet, she fell in love with one of Pedro's friends from Bahía de Rosa—and he returned those feelings. When Calvin caught the garter, he fell in love with one of Mirabela's friends from Bahía de Rosa. Even Clyde and Horace each found love. Clyde fell for a woman from Artsy Wonderland, and Horace fell for a woman who was training to be a police officer. If none of this was good enough, Pablo and Lucia were going to have a baby.

As for Mirabela and Pedro, they found themselves with better jobs and moved out of their homes to live in a whole new house together. Pedro was promoted to work full time at Artsy Wonderland. Mirabela was going to work as an elementary school art teacher. Life was already perfect enough for everyone, and it was all just really meant to be.

(A/N: The song below is in the tune of "Something There" from Disney's Beauty and the Beast)

MIRABELA: I never dreamed

My life could be

So truly magical and wonderful, you see

But now I see

With just one shove

I really wound up finding my one true love

PEDRO: I always wished

Each day and night

That something would arrive and give my life some light

And then it came

This I speak of

And now my life is perfect with my one true love

MIRABELA: Oh, isn't this amazing?

I had always dreamed of a love so fine

Now my heart is blazing

Because now my life is sure to forever shine

BOTH: Sí, es verdad

Yes, we are sure

Our lives are better now than how they were before

Now here we are

Fitting like a glove

I will forever be here with my one true love

Yes, I will surely be here with my one true love

I will forever be here with my one true love

The End

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