Holly's Realization

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The next morning, Mirabela came to join her family for breakfast, and most of the family was happy for her.

"Hey, Mira," Calvin smiled.

"Buen día, familia," Mirabela smiled back.

"I have to hand it to Pedro for picking out such a beautiful ring," Calvin remarked.

Holly was prickled at all that was happening to Mirabela: her success, her engagement, and all the attention she was getting. "Oh, yes, he picked out a beautiful ring," she said sarcastically. "What girl wouldn't want a beautiful ring?" Then she saw her family staring at her very weirdly.

"Okay," Mirabela said awkwardly.

"Should we start planning the wedding?" Lorelei asked.

"I'll talk to Pedro about that when I see him at work today," Mirabela replied.

"Oh, that's a good idea," Holly chortled sarcastically. "Talking to Pedro about the wedding—very good idea!"

"Holly," Calvin hissed. He pointed his head to Lorelei, who was less than pleased with Holly's attitude.

"Anyway, it seems like only yesterday you were just a baby, learning to pick up your head, and now you're all grown up and getting married," Ramiro gushed.

"Ay, Papi," Mirabela blushed furiously.

"Oh, yes, she is," Holly said sarcastically. "I mean, we were all babies once, and now we're all grown up—and yet we're only allowed to talk about Mirabela because she's so special!"

"All right, young lady, that is enough!" Lorelei snapped.

That's when Holly shut right up.

"Holly, I know you're upset that I'm marrying Pedro, but is it really necessary to act like that?" Mirabela frowned.

"Yes, it is actually," Holly sneered. "If you want to know why so badly, I was supposed to marry Pedro Espinosa, and you had to come waltzing in, look pretty, and steal him from me right under my nose. I'm sick and tired of losing him to you!"

"I'm sorry, but I had no idea where in Heartlake City I'd even find him," Mirabela defended herself. "Besides, I'm sure you'll find a man you'll love more than Pedro—he's just not worth your time."

"Well, you were never worth his time, and I've been the perfect wife for him," Holly huffed. "You know, everything would've been perfect if you had just stayed in Colombia, like you were supposed to!"

Everyone was shocked at that last statement.

"Holly Hildegard Hogan!" Lorelei growled.

Holly sank in her seat when she heard that. "Yes, Mother?" she gulped.

"I believe you've been dramatic enough," Lorelei glared. "You're sure to take a break from your sister while you're at college and also while she's at work. I want to talk to you when you get back."

Holly was dismayed that she was in big trouble for lashing out the way she did. Mirabela was very upset with her stepsister for her tantrum. There wasn't much for her to do this morning, except put her mind at ease.

While Ramiro was at work and the twins were at their college classes, Mirabela was in her art studio, painting pictures of Cinderella and her stepsisters. Painting was her favorite way to calm herself down should she ever have a bad day. Mirabela was dismayed with Holly, but the good news was that she hadn't interacted with River since she reunited with Pedro. She hoped this meant River had moved on from her.

Later, Bailey dropped Mirabela off at the mall, so she could have her lunch break with Pedro and Pablo. After that, Bailey went to pick up the twins and take them home.

"I take it you had a good day," Bailey assumed.

"Good," Calvin said.

"Great," Holly said.

"Quite delightful," Bailey smiled. "Oh, by the way, Miss Holly, your mother will be in the parlor, waiting to talk to you."

Holly's heart sank—she knew she was in trouble for lashing out at Mirabela, and she'd forgotten that her mother wanted to talk to her after her class.

Once the twins made it home, Holly timidly stood at the entrance of the parlor, where her mother was waiting. "Yes, Mother?" she said nervously.

"Come and have a seat, Holly," Lorelei said sternly.

Holly entered the parlor and sat in a chair in front of her mother.

"Holly, I know it's been hard for you and Calvin since your father lost his battle with epilepsy seven years ago, but that's no excuse to behave the way you did since Ramiro and Mirabela got here," Lorelei said calmly.

"I know," Holly sighed. "I guess I'm not used to what changes have come into my life, and seeing Pedro with another girl got me so livid. I've been chasing after him since high school graduation."

"Even after you broke up with him before prom?" Lorelei reminded her. "Holly, do you really think it's a good idea to waste your time chasing Pedro when he just wants to be friends with you?"

"Well, he's the love of my life," Holly replied.

"I see," Lorelei said flatly. "Holly, do you remember back in sophomore year when a boy continuously asked you out and chased after you the way you did Pedro? How did you like that?"

"I didn't, Mother," Holly huffed. "In fact, it was really annoying and embarrassing—he was like a mosquito, let me tell you!"

"Well, maybe that's how you've been making Pedro feel," Lorelei surmised.

Holly realized that being hounded by that boy in sophomore year was distressing—and she'd been making Pedro feel the same way by hounding him. "Oh, yes, I have," she realized.

"I know it's hard seeing your crush fall in love with another girl, but some people in the world have bigger problems than that, like Mirabela," Lorelei told her. "Think about it: she's been through a lifetime of grief. Her mother died when she was eight, and that's when her life started going downhill. Her best friend left their country after middle school, and after that, she had men hounding her for her looks. Then a couple of weeks ago, she left her country because she has us as her stepfamily—she and Ramiro moved here to Heartlake City to live with us instead of us moving to Colombia to live with them. Tell me, Holly: how would you like to move away from Heartlake City to live in Ramiro and Mirabela's country?"

"I wouldn't," Holly sighed. "I didn't think about that. I didn't think about Mirabela at all."

"Maybe instead of being a selfish entitled princess, you should start being more empathetic," Lorelei suggested. "Think about how you'd feel if you were in Mirabela's shoes."

Holly knew how tough it was to see Pedro fall in love with another girl, especially her stepsister, but she wondered if Mirabela really had it harder.

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