Back in Love

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The next morning, Ramiro, Lorelei, Calvin, and Holly went downstairs for breakfast when they heard someone singing.

"Do you hear singing?" Calvin asked.

Ramiro listened to the voice carefully. "I know that voice anywhere," he chuckled. He entered the dining room to find his daughter putting plates of pancakes on the table while singing her heart out. "I thought so."

Mirabela turned to find her family at the entrance. "Oh, bien día, familia," she blushed.

"Good morning, dear," Lorelei smiled. "You're in a good mood."

"What was that song you were singing?" Calvin asked.

"'Something There' from Beauty and the Beast," Mirabela replied. "It's my favorite song from the movie."

"Well, you certainly make Belle sound terrible," Lorelei said.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Lorelei," Ramiro agreed.

Holly was prickled at how her mother and stepfather thought Mirabela sang beautifully. She was sick and tired of hearing about how great Mirabela was and being upstaged by her at everything. Holly really didn't understand why Mirabela had to be her stepsister in the first place.

Later, after the twins were done with their class, they met up with Lorelei, Ramiro, and Mirabela at the mall—and the Espinosa family came to join them, including Pablo's wife, Lucia. As the two families ate, Mirabela was sharing a joke.

"And so the skeleton says 'Well, sir, I've got a serious bone to pick with you!'" Mirabela finished.

Everyone laughed at that silly pun—everyone except Holly, who was ignoring her stepsister's joke and applying lipstick.

"Ay, Mira, you haven't changed a bit," Señora Espinosa smiled.

"So, how do you like Heartlake City?" Señor Espinosa asked.

"So far, it's been pretty good, very inspirational," Mirabela replied.

"And we're planning on showing her and Ramiro around Los Angeles for Labor Day," Calvin spoke up.

"Oh, que fantástico," Pedro smiled.

Hearing Pedro's voice made Holly's face light up. "Oh, yes, it is, Pedro," she said sweetly. "I very much look forward to seeing LA, and I can't wait to show you pictures. But oh, how I wish you could go with me on the trip, or I'd miss you too much."

"Good to know, Holly," Pedro said awkwardly. Then his watch beeped, meaning it was time to get going. "¿Lista, Mirabela?"

"Lista, Pedro," Mirabela smiled, getting up.

"Have a good day at work, nena," Ramiro smiled.

"Okay, Mirabela smiled back. She and Pedro threw their trash away and made their way to Artsy Wonderland.

"I haven't seen my daughter this happy since the first time she and Pedro started dating," Ramiro chuckled.

"Aren't they cute?" Pablo gushed. "Before we know it, we'll be planning the wedding."

Holly was horrified to hear that. She couldn't believe that Pablo was sure Mirabela would make a better wife for Pedro than her. Holly really hoped that was just a joke—and it wasn't even funny.

Once lunch was done, Ramiro went back to work, and so did Pablo, whose parents went back home. Lorelei and the twins stayed behind to walk around the mall. Holly was hoping to find River, so he could be updated on what was happening. In no time, she found River, who was hiding behind a bench—which was hard to do since he was big and muscular.

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