Sky Mountain - part 12

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The very top of Sky Mountain was shaped like a crater. It was filled with snow over black volcanic rocks and stood tall above the clouds. In the fading night, it was filled with sounds more horrible than any battle.

Lilian was screaming at the top of their lungs, a continuous wail that stopped only long enough for them to take a breath and then start again.

D'Argen was responsible for holding their legs down as they thrashed. He was told to be quiet after the third time he called Lilian's name in a panic. Yaling was right by D'Argen's hip, holding down an errand arm. She let go at one point and it hit D'Argen across the face hard enough to bruise. He did not let go of Lilian's legs.

"Just one more moment!" Abbot called over Lilian's screams. There was the faint scent of oil accompanying his words but medicinal herbs easily overpowered the scent of his magic.

"By the mahee, Abbot, if you say 'one more moment' one more time, I swear I will moment you off this voided mountain," Yaling muttered. She continued with a string of quiet curses that D'Argen heard only because he was so close to her.

"Thar, can you hold their mouth open?" Abbot asked.

"What are you doing?" D'Argen asked in a panic before Thar could say anything.

"I told you. Tea. Well, it is too cold to be proper tea but, a herb."

"What herb?"

"Something to calm them."

"Abbot," D'Argen growled out the artist's name between clenched teeth.

"Thar, hold their mouth open."

D'Argen still could not see anything but the thrashing under him increased as the screams were interrupted by gurgling, coughing, and choking. It sounded like they were torturing Lilian. He closed his blind eyes and held Lilian's legs tighter.

A hand on his shoulder startled him into opening his eyes.

"D'Argen, you can let go now," Yaling said quietly.

The entire mountain was quiet. Lilian had stopped thrashing at some point and was breathing slow and heavy. It was intercepted by the occasional sob but it was too quiet. They were not sleeping.

"Abbot," D'Argen called the artist's name as he stood up.

When Abbot answered him, it was right in front of him. D'Argen listened carefully and concentrated. Abbot was saying something but he could not listen to the words at all. Instead, he focused on where they were coming from. Even with blind eyes, he knew where Abbot's face was.

The slap he aimed for the artist's cheek would have landed if he had not stopped himself at the last moment. He clenched his fist and bit his tongue. Nobody dared to move or say anything.

Lilian gasped out a sob. Their breathing steadied. It turned deep.

D'Argen dropped his hand and hissed out slowly, "Do not ever fucking ignore me again."

"I apologize," Abbot responded immediately.

"How are they?"

"Sleeping," Yaling answered.

"I didn't ask you! Abbot! How are they?"

"May I conduct a quick exam?" Abbot asked, his voice low and careful.

D'Argen only released one sharp nod and then crossed his arms over his chest. The anger burning inside him was there only to overshadow the fear. He knew it was unfair to take it out on Abbot but that knowledge did not stop him.

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