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When they pulled in Mentor was standing outside. He smiled when Jewels stepped out. "Everything go okay?"

"Yes Mentor. I got everything I needed."

"Well lets get you situated then."

When Mike opened the back of the SUV Mentor reached in and grabbed a bookcase. Jewels looked up from grabbing a box from the trunk of her car. "Just sit that against the wall I'll come in and move them where I need them."

Picking up two boxes or her clothes she followed Jayden and Antonio who were carrying her TV. It was the only indulgent she really allowed herself. It was a huge 72'' TV (I know way big). As she entered she sat her boxes down and pulled out her small tool set she always kept in case of emergency. After Mentor and Kevin set up the table against the wall Jewels grabbed her TV hanging set and stepping on the table began to screw it into the wall. It was specially made to hold her big TV.

"Jayden help me with the TV please?"

He nodded and with Mike's help they hung the TV on its stand. Jewels looked on with a smile. "Thank goodness by buddy made that. This TV will never fall. He guarantied it. In my five years I never had a problem with it."

She turned to jump down but Jayden reached up and his hands spanned her waist and his lifted her down. She swallowed as she looked up at him. "Thanks." Turning away she walked over to Antonio who just brought in the last bookcase. "I want the big one in the middle and the tall ones on the ends." They did that for her.

"Again thanks!" Once all the furniture was set up the guys left and Mia and Emily helped her put her clothes away. But when Emily pointed out the closet Jewels laughed. "Okay this gets better and better I didn't even have a closet. I don't have enough clothes."

They laughed and Mia clapped her hands. "That means on our next day off we should all go shopping."

"I would like that..."

After the clothes were all up they took a break drinking them a glass of lemonade. Mia turned to Jewels. "I was gonna head to the store is there anything you need for the Chinese dinner."

Jewels who had just token a drink quickly swallowed. "Yes there is." She grabbed some paper and a pen. Thinking about what she wanted to make she then proceeded to write a list of ingredients she needed, then handed it to Mia. "This is what I need."

Mia took the list and smiled. "Well me, Emily, Mike, and Kevin are heading to the store. Jayden Antonio you want to come?"

Jayden shook his head and Antonio looked at her list. "You had fish down... Why buy it I love to fish."

Jewels laughed. "As do I but I haven't the time to get fresh."

Antonio stood up and put his arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry. I'll catch the fish. I'll catch them and clean them."

Jewels stood up and smiled then kissed Antonio's cheek. "You're a saint. Now if you guys will excuse me I am gonna finish with my room." As she walked off she stopped to let her zords and the others run through. With a quick laugh she headed back to her room.

Jayden looked back to the other rangers and couldn't help the small chuckle at the look on Antonio's face, it was still pink.

Emily stood. "Let get going so we can get everything we need."

Mia, Kevin, and Mike followed. Antonio stood up and after patting Jayden on the back he ran after them with his fishing gear. After putting the glasses in the sink Jayden walked down the hall to Jewels' room. He leaned against the door a moment as he saw her leaning over on the table hooking up all her electrical wires. He watch as she then sat on the floor with two boxes and filled her cabinet with her movies and games. He watched her get up and grab a small box and started to pull out pictures.

"Oh hell!" Jayden was at her side in a moment. He bent down to help her clean up the broken glass.

"You okay."

"Yes! But I broke the glass on my parents picture frame."

Jayden put the broken glass in the empty box and took Jewels' hands and helped her to her feet. "That's okay we can get you another frame, or probably find you another glass."

"Thanks." She walked over to her dresser and placed the picture on top.

Jayden stepped forward. "May I ask you something Jewels?"

She turned to see him a hairs breathe away. "Of course."

"Where is your family?" When she looked down Jayden lifted her chin up to look at him, and saw the sadness in them.

"I lost my family. My mom and dad passed away six years ago."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright. It is getting easier for me."

He looked at her and without a thought pulled her into his arms and wrapped them around her shoulders and held her to his chest. Jewels haven taken no comfort from anyone in these past few years was a little weary about the hug but she relaxed and wrapped her arms around Jayden's waist as she laid her head on his shoulder. They stayed like that for what seems like hours. When Jewels slowly pulled away she looked up at Jayden and gave a small smile.

They was but a few inches apart and when she smiled he couldn't fight the urge. Slowly he leaned forward giving her enough time to pull away if you wanted. But when she didn't he gently laid his lips against her in a sweet kiss. To his surprise her hands slid up his chest and around his neck urging him on. Taking the hint he angled his head and deepened the kiss his hands sliding down to circle her waist as he pulled her closer. Jewels' hands went up into his hair as she let the kiss slid deeper.

Man she was in trouble. She knew Jayden not even a full day what was she doing kissing him. I mean she knew she was lonely and needed someone to be with. Then why they hell didn't she say yes to Rick he was a great guy. But as she fitted herself against Jayden as his lips took hers in another passionate kiss she realized that she never wanted Rick he was just someone to hang out with. She also realized the since she first saw him she wanted Jayden and didn't understand why.

During her whole argument in her head she still kissed him back and he was enjoying it. But he remembered the others would be back soon and all the crap he gives them about being couples while in the line of work they do he knew he was in the wrong because all he has been able to think about since he met Jewels was to kiss her and make her his.

Slowly pulling away he leaned his forehead against hers as they both tried to get their breathing back to normal.

"Wow!" Jayden couldn't help but smile.

"I have to agree with you there... Wow!"

Slowly he pulled away and with one last look walked out of the room. Jewels stood there for a few minutes just watching the door hoping he came back in and kissed her again. But she knew that was just wishful thinking. So on that note she turned around and went to work putting her little animal statues on the bookcases.

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