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Jewels finished fixing her room in time to hear the others were back from the store. She walked out and with a smile to Mentor walked out to meet Antonio.

"So how did it go?"

He opened the cooler to show her the four fish he caught. "This is wonderful it is more then enough. Antonio you are wonderful."

He smiled and tilted his cheek to her. "And my payment?"

Jewels laughed and leaned closer to kiss his cheek. "There payment in full."

He tilted his face. "Other cheek please."

She fell in love with him then and there he was like the wonderful big brother she never had. So she kissed his other cheek. "Happy."

"Si! Now I will go clean this fish for you."

"Thank you."

As he walked away Jewels turned and walked through the door promptly running into Jayden... again...


"That's okay... So what were you and Antonio talking about?"

Jewels smiled at him. "Fish!" As she walked away Jayden looked after her. He had seen her kiss Antonio's cheeks. For some reason it made him very uneasy. She was his... He stood straighter. How could she be his they hardly knew each other. But he did know that he has kissed her and he wanted to do it again. But it was wrong he was the red ranger he had obligations and he could be romantically involved with anyone. Let alone another ranger...

"Jayden?" He turned to see Emily. Well at least she didn't have her other half with her. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah Emily."

She looked to were his eyes were heading and she noticed they were on the door where Jewels had walked through. "Can we talk in private Jayden?"


She took his arm and led him outside and picked up the training staff. Jayden did the same. They trained one advanced one block. "What's on your mind Em?"

"I think you know. Why are you waiting? Someone else might grab her."

Jayden faltered a moment." What do you mean?"

"I noticed how you look at her. I saw you watching her when Antonio had her dancing with him and when we got back I walked out and saw you watching her when she kissed Antonio's cheek. You don't notice Jayden but you tense up like you going to take off and grab her away from anyone."

He didn't answer just concentrated on the training trying to show her that her words about Jewels didn't faze him. She saw right through him.

"You know Jayden if you wait then someone else will ask her out and then they will have her to themselves removing any chance you had. She is very loyal you can tell by looking at her. Once she decided she will stick with her heart. Maybe it is time you let yours out of its cage for a bit."

He looked at her. "I'm not cold- hearted."

She placed the training staff down and stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. "No your not you have a lot of heart. You're just careful about who you let in. You let us in; I can see you trying to cage it about Jewels. Don't you think you should find love like we have! Mike has made me happy you can see how happy Mia and Kevin are. Why not you? Why can't you be happy like us?"

He sighed. "Because we are fighting the Nighlocks and they need out attention... Besides I think she likes Antonio better..."

Emily tilted her head. "Really? Even after the kiss you two shared?"

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